首页> 外文期刊>Academic Medicine: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges >Strategies for creating a faculty fellowship in medical education: report of a 10-year experience.

Strategies for creating a faculty fellowship in medical education: report of a 10-year experience.


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The authors present 10 strategies, plus challenges and opportunities, that have informed three well-established, yearlong medical education fellowships (defined as single cohorts of medical teaching faculty who participate in extended faculty development activities) during the period 1998 to 2008. These strategies include (1) defining an operating philosophy, values, and goals, (2) establishing a curriculum that reflects the roles and responsibilities of fellows and faculty, (3) employing a basic approach to adult learning, (4) striving to achieve a balance between stated objectives and openness of discussion, (5) creating optimum learning opportunities for the fellows to acquire and practice skills delineated in the curriculum, (6) fostering interdisciplinary communication, team development, and the creation of a learning community, (7) developing mindfulness and critical self-reflection, (8) systematically reviewing each session, (9) evaluating fellowship outcomes, and (10) planning for the future. This in-depth look presents both curricular content and process, providing a useful starting point from which those who develop and conduct educational faculty development activities at medical schools and academic medical centers may fashion and implement a local curriculum.
机译:作者提出了10种策略以及挑战和机遇,这些策略在1998年至2008年期间为三项建立良好的,为期一年的医学教育研究金(定义为参与扩展的教师发展活动的医学教学教师的单个队列)提供了信息。 (1)定义经营理念,价值观和目标,(2)建立反映学员和教师角色和职责的课程,(3)对成人学习采用基本方法,(4)力求在两者之间取得平衡陈述的目标和讨论的公开性;(5)为同伴创造最佳的学习机会,以获取和实践课程中描述的技能;(6)促进跨学科的交流,团队发展和创建学习社区;(7)增强正念和批判性的自我反省,(8)系统地审查每节课,(9)评估研究金结果,以及(10)计划为未来。这种深入的外观既展示了课程的内容,又展示了过程,为在医学院和学术医学中心开展和开展教师发展活动的人们提供了有用的起点,他们可以以此方式制定和实施本地课程。



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