首页> 外文期刊>AAPG Bulletin >Stratigraphy,microfacies,and petroleum potential of the Mauddud Formation(Albian-Cenomanian)in the Arabian Gulf basin

Stratigraphy,microfacies,and petroleum potential of the Mauddud Formation(Albian-Cenomanian)in the Arabian Gulf basin


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The Albian-Cenomanian Mauddud Formation extends over most parts of the Arabian basin including north Iraq.The formation consists mainly of Orbitolina-bearing limestone with local basinmargin rudist buildups inthe offshore North field of Qatar and northeast Iraq.Extensive dolomitization,with wide variations in both extent and texture,has been reported from both outcrops and wells.The Jurassic-Cretaceous pelagic strata are probably the possible source for the Mauddud Formation oil in northern Iraq,whereas indigenous sources in the Mauddud strata dna Nahr Umr shales,as well as the Upper Jurassic rocks,are probably the source rocks inteh southern parts in the basin.Porosity of 10-35% and permeability of 10-110 md have been reported from different fields of the basin.This porosity is attributed to a combination of dolomitizatin,fracturing,and dissolution.There are two main oil provinces where the Mauddud Formation is a major oil-producing reservoir.The northern province includes Iraq's oil fields such as Ain zalah,Bai Hassan,and Jambur.The southern province includes the Ratawi field in southern Iraq,Raudhatain,Sabriya,and Bahra fields in Kuwait,Bahrain (Awali)field in Bahrain,and Fahud and Natih fields in Oman.The formation has high oil potential in the southern and southeastern fields of Iraq and the offshore areas of Qata and Saudi Arabia.
机译:Albian-Cenomanian Mauddud组遍及阿拉伯盆地的大部分地区,包括伊拉克北部。该组主要由卡塔尔北部近海油田和伊拉克东北部含Orbitolina的石灰岩和局部盆地边缘的鲁斯蒂斯堆积组成。侏罗纪-白垩纪上层地层可能是伊拉克北部Mauddud组油的可能来源,而daud Nahr Umr页岩以及上层Mauddud地层的原始来源侏罗纪岩石可能是该盆地南部的烃源岩。盆地不同领域的孔隙度为10-35%,渗透率为10-110 md。这种孔隙度是由于白云岩,压裂, Mauddud组是两个主要的石油生产省份,北部省份包括伊拉克的石油南部省份包括伊拉克南部的Ratawi油田,科威特的Raudhatain,Sabriya和Bahra油田,巴林的Bahrain(Awali)油田以及阿曼的Fahud和Natih油田。在伊拉克的南部和东南部油田以及卡塔和沙特阿拉伯的近海地区,该地层具有很高的石油潜力。



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