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A Giant In Its Own Right: Oklahoma Stands Out With Oil, Gas Production


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Oklahoma is something of a sleeper in shale oil and gas world. The vaunted oil and gas plays of Texas and North Dakota cast long shadows— long enough sometimes to obscure entire states. Yet Oklahoma’s varied mix of oil and natural gas is impressive. Oklahoma is one of the top five oil- producing states, and three of the nation’s largest oil fields are found there. The state also produced more natural gas than the output of Louisiana, Wyoming or New Mexico from July 2014 to July 2015, ac- cording to Barclays Capital Inc. statistics.
机译:俄克拉何马州是页岩油气世界的沉睡者。得克萨斯州和北达科他州自的石油和天然气开采蒙上了长长的阴影,有时足以遮盖整个州。但是俄克拉荷马州的石油和天然气种类繁多,令人印象深刻。俄克拉何马州是世界上五个最大的产油州之一,并且在那里发现了该国最大的三个油田。根据巴克莱资本公司(Barclays Capital Inc.)的统计,2014年7月至2015年7月,该州的天然气产量也超过路易斯安那,怀俄明州或新墨西哥州的产量。



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