首页> 外文期刊>Chronobiology international >Time-of-Day Effects on Anaerobic Muscular Power in a Moderately Warm Environment

Time-of-Day Effects on Anaerobic Muscular Power in a Moderately Warm Environment


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This study evaluated the influence of a neutral vs. a moderately warm environment on the diurnal variation in muscular power. Twelve male subjects [27.0 (±4) years] performed two different jump tests [a squat jump (SJ) and a counter-movement jump (CMJ)] and a brief maximal sprint on cycle ergometer (CS) in four different conditions (morningeutral, morning/moderately warm and humid, afternooneutral, and afternoon/moderately warm and humid). The morning experiments were conducted between 07:00 and 09:00 h, and the afternoon experiments were conducted between 17:00 and 19:00 h. The mean laboratory temperatures and humidity were 20 (±1) ℃, 70 (±5)% and 29 (±1) ℃, 57 (±4)% for the neutral and moderately warm and humid conditions, respectively. Rectal temperature and leg skin temperature were significantly dependent on both time-of-day and ambient temperature. An interaction effect (P < 0.05) was noted between time-of-day and ambient temperature for the power developed for the CMJ, the SJ, and half of a pedal revolution during the cycling sprint. In summary, (i) the same subjects were influenced by time-of-day differently, depending on the ambient temperature during testing; (ii) time-of-day affected muscular performance only in the neutral condition, (iii) the moderately warm and humid condition blunted the diurnal variation in muscular performance, and (iv) the effect of the ambient temperature was dependent on time-of-day.
机译:这项研究评估了中性和中度温暖环境对肌肉力量昼夜变化的影响。十二名男性受试者[27.0(±4)岁]在两种不同的情况下(早上),进行了两种不同的跳跃测试[深蹲跳跃(SJ)和反运动跳跃(CMJ)]以及骑自行车测功机(CS)的短暂最大冲刺/中性,上午/中度温暖和潮湿,下午/中性和下午/中度温暖和潮湿)。上午实验在07:00和09:00之间进行,下午实验在17:00和19:00之间进行。在中性和中度温暖和潮湿条件下,平均实验室温度和湿度分别为20(±1)℃,70(±5)%和29(±1)℃,57(±4)%。直肠温度和腿部皮肤温度明显取决于一天中的时间和环境温度。在一天的时间和环境温度之间,为CMJ,SJ开发的动力与骑车短跑期间踏板旋转的一半之间存在交互作用(P <0.05)。总而言之,(i)同一受试者受测试时间的不同影响,具体取决于测试过程中的环境温度; (ii)仅在中性条件下影响一天中的一天的肌肉表现,(iii)中度温暖和潮湿的条件使肌肉性能的昼夜变化变钝,并且(iv)环境温度的影响取决于时间-天。



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