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Association of sickness absence with poor sleep and depressive symptoms in shift workers


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A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the contribution of daily sleep habits and depressive symptoms to sickness absences of shift workers. A self-administered questionnaire that solicited answers about sleep, symptoms of depression, sickness absence, diseases/injuries, and lifestyle factors was submitted to a sample of 522 rotating shift workers between the ages of 18-59 (mean 27) yrs of an electric equipment manufacturing company. The seven features of sleep queried were daily hours of sleep, time to fall asleep, awakening during sleep, early morning awakening, sleep well at night, sufficiency of sleep, and excessive daytime sleepiness at work. The responses were assessed over the subject's previous 1-yr period. Each sleep feature, except daily sleeping hours, was dichotomized by the following responses: (1) taking more than 30 min to fall asleep (difficulty initiating sleep; DIS), (2) awakening during sleep almost every day (difficulty maintaining sleep; DMS), (3) early morning awakening almost every day (EMA), (4) sleeping very poorly or not so well at night, (5) definite or somewhat insufficient nightly sleep, and (6) excessive daytime sleepiness at work almost every day (EDS). Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale. Sickness absence was calculated by asking subjects "How many days in total have you been absent from work due to sickness, including paid vacation, in the last 1-yr period?" The responses were divided into three groups that included no (0 days) sickness absences (reference group, n = 235 subjects), 1 to 4 days (short-term, n = 199 subjects), and 5 days or more (long-term, n = 88 subjects). Compared to the prevalence of sleep features of the reference group, workers with short-term absence showed a significantly higher prevalence of EMA with an odds ratio (OR) of 5.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3-22.0. Long-term absence was significantly associated with DMS (OR = 2.1, 95% CI 1.0-4.6), EMA (OR = 5.6, 95% CI 1.0-28.7), sleeping poorly at night (OR = 2.6, 95% CI 1.4-5.0), and high depressive symptoms (OR = 2.0, 95% CI 1.0-3.7) according to the CES-D score of greater than or equal to16, after adjusting for multiple confounding variables. These data point to an association between both the parameters of poor sleep and symptoms of deep depression when self-reported sickness absence is frequent. The association is particularly strong with long-term absence in male shift workers.
机译:进行了一项横断面研究,以评估日常睡眠习惯和抑郁症状对轮班工人缺病的影响。一份自我管理的调查表向522名18-59岁(平均27岁)的电动轮班工人提供了有关睡眠,抑郁症状,疾病缺席,疾病/伤害和生活方式因素的答案。设备制造公司。询问的七个睡眠特征是每天的睡眠时间,入睡时间,睡眠中觉醒,清晨觉醒,夜间睡眠良好,睡眠充足和白天工作过度嗜睡。在受试者之前的1年中对反应进行了评估。除每日睡眠时间外,每个睡眠功能均通过以下响应分为两部分:(1)花费30分钟以上入睡(难以开始睡眠; DIS);(2)几乎每天在睡眠中醒来(难以维持睡眠; DMS ),(3)几乎每天早上都在唤醒(EMA),(4)晚上睡眠非常差或不太好,(5)每晚睡眠肯定或不足,以及(6)几乎每天工作时白天嗜睡(EDS)。使用流行病学研究抑郁中心(CES-D)量表评估抑郁症状。疾病缺勤是通过询问受试者“在过去的1年中,您总共因疾病(包括带薪假期)而缺勤了多少天?”答复分为三组,包括无(0天)无病(参考组,n = 235名受试者),1至4天(短期,n = 199名受试者)和5天或以上(长期)。 ,n = 88个科目)。与参考组的睡眠特征患病率相比,短期缺勤的工人的EMA患病率显着更高,优势比(OR)为5.3,95%置信区间(CI)为1.3-22.0。长期缺勤与DMS(OR = 2.1,95%CI 1.0-4.6),EMA(OR = 5.6,95%CI 1.0-28.7),夜间睡眠差(OR = 2.6,95%CI 1.4-调整多个混杂变量后,根据CES-D得分大于或等于16,出现高抑郁症状(OR = 2.0,95%CI 1.0-3.7)。这些数据表明,当经常报告自己缺乏疾病时,睡眠不足的参数与深度抑郁的症状之间存在关联。在男性轮班工人长期缺席的情况下,这种联系尤其牢固。



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