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Euchronism, allochronism, and dyschronism: Is internal desynchronization of human circadian rhythms a sign of illness?


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The authors define a subject as euchronic when the circadian parameters-tau (tau = period), 0 (acrophse or peak time), A (amplitude), and M (MESOR = 24 h rhythm-adjusted mean)-of a set of circadian variables are within the confidence limits of appropriate reference values of healthy subjects (HS). We define internal desynchronization as a state in which the circadian tau of a set of rhythms differs from 24 h and when the T of a given variable differs from that of other variables. Such a state was first observed in singly isolated HS without access to time cues and clues. Herein, data and analyses are presented demonstrating that internal desynchronization appears to be a rather common phenomenon in HS dwelling in their natural environment (i.e., in the presence of usual zeitgebers). This has been documented by longitudinal studies (n congruent to 15 days) of the circadian rhythm in sleep-wakefulness, body temperature, right- and left-hand-grip strength, and reaction time involving a total of 246 HS and 134 shift workers (SW), with 45.5% showing good and 54.5% poor SW tolerance. The presence of internal desynchronization observed in SW was associated SW intolerance, with symptoms being sleep alteration/disturbances, sleeping-pill dependence, persisting fatigue (asthenia), mood alteration, and digestive complaints. Internal desynchronization was also documented in groups of HS and tolerant SW, though it was almost the rule among the intolerant SW. The authors introduce two new terms: allochronism to describe the time organization of those SW who evidence internal desynchronization without detectable clinical symptoms, and dyschronism to describe the time organization of those SW who exhibit internal desynchrobization plus the symptoms of SW intolerance or medical illness. The condition of allochronism is not restricted only to SW tolerance, as it was detected in 112 HS without medical complains when exposed to various experimental conditions, including medications and placebos, sojourn in the high Arctic summer, intensive sport training, and task-loaded cognitive performance testing. Dyschronism in SW who arc sleep-deprived is associated with persisting fatigue. An unpublished Gallup survey found that 47% of 2478 respondents experienced a state of asthenia during the previous 12 months, with symptoms mimicking those of SW intolerance. In one-third of the cases, the origin of the asthenia was undetermined. Taking into account the high incidence of internal desynchronization found in past investigations and the clinical observation that sleep deprivation is a consequence of many acute and chronic medical conditions (nocturnal pain, nocturnal asthma, etc.), it is suggested that dyschronism may be responsible for the asthenia of unknown origin, at least for some persons. The interindividual (including sex-related) variability in the propensity to exhibit an altered temporal organization, whether it be transient or persistent (i.e., reversible or non-reversible) suggests the involvement of genetic factors. The Dian-Circadian genetic model previously proposed by the authors seems pertinent to conceptualize and explain the various levels and output of internal desynchronization.
机译:作者将一组昼夜节律的昼夜节律参数-tau(tau =周期),0(顶峰或高峰时间),A(振幅)和M(MESOR = 24 h节奏调整后的均值)定义为同时的变量在健康受试者(HS)的适当参考值的置信范围内。我们将内部去同步定义为一种状态,其中一组节奏的昼夜节律tau与24小时不同,并且给定变量的T与其他变量的T不同。首先在孤立的HS中观察到这种状态,而没有时间线索和线索。本文中,提供了数据和分析,表明内部不同步似乎是在其自然环境中(即在存在普通zeitgebers的情况下)HS住宅中相当普遍的现象。纵向研究(n到15天)记录了昼夜节律的睡眠觉醒,体温,左右手握力以及反应时间,共涉及246名HS和134名轮班工人( SW),其中45.5%的SW耐受性良好,而54.5%的SW耐受性较差。在SW中观察到的内部失步的存在与SW不耐症相关,其症状为睡眠改变/干扰,睡眠药依赖性,持续疲劳(乏力),情绪改变和消化不良。内部不同步也记录在HS和宽容SW的组中,尽管这几乎是不宽容SW中的规则。作者引入了两个新术语:等时性来描述那些表现出内部不同步而没有可检测到的临床症状的软件的时间组织,以及不同步性来描述那些表现出内部不同步以及软件不耐受或内科疾病症状的软件的时间组织。异时性疾病不仅限于SW耐受性,因为在112 HS中在各种药物,安慰剂,北极夏季高海拔时常居住,密集运动训练和任务繁重的认知中暴露于各种实验条件下,在没有医疗投诉的情况下被检测到性能测试。 SW缺乏睡眠的失调与持续的疲劳有关。盖洛普(Gallup)一项未发表的调查发现,在2478名受访者中,有47%在过去的12个月中经历了乏力状态,其症状类似于SW不耐症的症状。在三分之一的情况下,乏力的来源尚未确定。考虑到过去的调查中发现内部失调的发生率很高,以及临床观察到睡眠剥夺是许多急,慢性医疗条件(夜间疼痛,夜间哮喘等)的结果,因此建议失调可能是导致失眠的原因。至少对于某些人而言,来源不明的虚弱。个体间(包括与性别相关的)表现出暂时性组织改变的倾向的可变性,无论是短暂的还是持续的(即可逆或不可逆)都表明遗传因素的参与。作者先前提出的Dian-Circadian遗传模型似乎与概念化和解释内部去同步的各个级别和输出有关。



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