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Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the yeast Pichia farinosa and comparative analysis of closely related species.


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Yeasts of the Pichia genus have been isolated from different natural environments. Phylogenies based on multigene sequence analysis have shown that the genus is polyphyletic. Some species of this genus are member of the CTG group. In order to have a better insight into the relationship among species assigned to the yeast genera Pichia into the CTG group, we first sequenced the mitochondrial genome of the osmotolerant yeast Pichia farinosa. We then compared this genome with mitochondrial genomes of yeasts of the CTG group. The P. farinosa mitochondrial DNA is a circular-mapping genome of 32,065 bp, which contains 43 genes transcribed from both strands. It contains a complete set of tRNAs, the small and the large rRNAs, as well as 14 protein-coding genes. Yeasts of the CTG group contain the same core of mitochondrial genes. Phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial sequences clearly shows that the CTG group is divided into two distinct clades: the first one contains diploid Candida species, whereas the second mainly contains haploid Pichia species. Moreover, this analysis provides clear evidence that Pichia farinosa and Pichia sorbitophila, which were known to be unique species, are two distinct species.
机译:毕赤酵母属的酵母已从不同的自然环境中分离出来。基于多基因序列分析的系统发育树表明该属是多系的。该属的某些物种是CTG小组的成员。为了更好地了解分配给CTG组的酵母属毕赤酵母属的物种之间的关系,我们首先对耐渗透性酵母粉菌毕赤酵母的线粒体基因组进行了测序。然后,我们将该基因组与CTG组酵母的线粒体基因组进行了比较。 P. farinosa线粒体DNA是一个32,065 bp的环状图谱,其中包含从两条链转录的43个基因。它包含完整的tRNA,大小rRNA以及14种蛋白质编码基因。 CTG组的酵母含有相同的线粒体基因核心。基于线粒体序列的系统发育分析清楚地表明,CTG组分为两个不同的进化枝:第一个包含二倍体念珠菌物种,而第二个主要包含单倍体毕赤酵母属。而且,该分析提供了清楚的证据,即已知为独特物种的费氏毕赤酵母和嗜山毕赤酵母是两个不同的物种。



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