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A review of the physonect siphonophore genera Halistemma (Family Agalmatidae) and Stephanomia (Family Stephanomiidae)




Re-descriptions are given for all the known species in the siphonophore physonect genera Halistemma (Family Agalmatidae) and Stephanomia (Family Stephanomiidae fam. nov.) based almost entirely on specimens collected by submersibles or ROVs. A new Halistemma species, H. maculatum sp. nov., is also described. Until now two of the Halistemma species were known only from incomplete specimens, such that for one, H. cupulifera Lens & van Riemsdijk, only the tentilla had been described, while for the other, H. striata Totton, only the nectophores were known. The species Stephanomia amphytridis Lesueur & Petit, originally established on the basis of only an illustration of part of the siphosome, is poorly known and several descriptions in the past have been based on further siphosomal material that actually belonged to a species of Halistemma. A specimen of that species, which included the nectosome, was recently described by Mapstone (2004) as H. amphytridis, but Pugh (2006) considered that it actually belonged to H. foliacea Quoy & Gaimard. That specimen has been re-examined for this study. The taxonomic position of the two genera is discussed. Although only distantly related the species of the two genera have a post-larval form referred to as the Nectalia stage. Haeckel (1888b) originally described a specimen at this stage as a separate species, Nectalia loligo. Nectalia stage specimens of two Halistemma species and of S. amphytridis were present in the material and their relationship with Haeckel's specimen is discussed.
机译:对于虹吸体的所有已知物种在虹吸体的所有已知种类中的重新描述,几乎完全基于潜水器或罗维斯收集的标本,基本上的所有已知物种都有斯皮咽的物质(家庭agalmatidae)和斯蒂芬米裔。新的Halistemma物种,Hmulatum sp。 11月。,也被描述。到目前为止,两种不完全标本只知道了两种,这对于一个,H. Cupulifera镜头和范里姆斯Dijk,仅描述了Tarilla,而对于另一个,H. Striata Totton,只知道Notophes。物种Stephanomia Amphytridis Lesueur&Petit,最初是在仅仅是梭眼组的一部分的插图的基础上建立,过去令人着名,过去的几种描述是基于实际属于一类半孢粉物种的其他孢子体材料。最近将Mapstone(2004)描述为H. Amphytridis的那种物种包括Nectosome的样本,但Pugh(2006)认为它实际上属于H. foliaclea Quoy&Gaimard。已经重新检查了该研究的标本。讨论了两个属的分类立场。虽然只与两种属的物种才会才有幼虫形式被称为Nectalia阶段。 Haeckel(1888B)最初描述了在这个阶段的标本作为单独的物种,Nectalia Loligo。讨论了材料中存在两种半畸形物种和S.Amphytridis的Nectalia阶段标本,并讨论了与Haeckel标本的关系。



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