
Venezuela boosts oil exports,but output down


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Venezuela's crude and fuel exports rose to about 690K b/d last month according to data from PDVSA and Refinitiv Eikon,the highest level of oil exports from the country since April as customers look to secure Venezuelan crude before a US deadline to halt all oil imports from the South American nation.Over 40%(276K b/d) of these exports went to India,with another 60K b/d moving to Europe.2MM bbl of Venezuelan heavy crude also moved to Fujairah in the UAE during the month.According to PDVSA documents seen by Reuters on Oct.6,the company has boosted crude blending and upgrading to their highest levels since March due to the uptick in oil exports,which allowed the company to drawdown inventories at local upgraders and blending facilities.The Petropiar upgrader reported output of 115K b/d of Hamaca crude on Oct.5 while Merey crude production from the Sinovensa blending facility was said to be 158K b/d that same day.PDVSA did not respond to a request for comment about output from Petropiar and Sinovensa.
机译:委内瑞拉的原油和燃料出口上个月升至690千克B / D,根据PDVSA和雷丁专利艾克蒙的数据,自4月以来的国家最高水平的石油出口水平,因为客户在美国截止日期前保护委内瑞拉粗暴,以停止所有石油进口从南美洲国家。这些出口的40%(276K B / D)前往印度,另外60千克B / D迁至欧洲,委内瑞拉重金的2mm Bbl在本月也搬到了阿联酋的富士拉。到路透社的PDVSA文件于10月6日,公司提高了原油混合和升级到3月份,由于石油出口的上涨以来,允许该公司在当地升级器和混合设施下绘制库存。普罗罗基升级器报告的10月份Hamaca原油的产量为10月5日,同时据说来自Sinovensa混合设施的丝毫批量生产,同一天.PDVSA没有回复关于来自Petropiar的产出的请求D Sinovensa。



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