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Actovegin~R - Cutting-edge Sports Medicine or 'Voodoo' Remedy?

机译:Actovegin〜R-尖端运动医学或“ Voodoo”疗法?

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Actovegin~R has received a great deal of media attention in the recent years, especially surrounding its use in sports medicine. In 2009, a sports physician was arrested with this performance-enhancing drug, whereas an editorial in a sports medicine journal strongly questioned the evidence base for using this drug for acute muscle injury (12). There is also a report that suggested that Actovegin~R might have induced anaphylactic shock in a cyclist (20). However, there also are good safety results from a large, multicenter, randomized, control trial (36). Nevertheless, Actovegin0 has received much publicity, and there also are many anecdotal beliefs surrounding this drug (12). Currently, Actovegin~R is not on the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) prohibited substance list (34).
机译:近年来,Actovegin〜R已引起了媒体的广泛关注,尤其是在运动医学中的应用。 2009年,一名运动医师因使用这种性能增强药物而被捕,而运动医学杂志上的社论强烈质疑使用这种药物治疗急性肌肉损伤的证据基础(12)。也有报道表明Actovegin〜R可能引起了骑自行车者的过敏性休克(20)。但是,大型,多中心,随机对照试验也有良好的安全性结果(36)。然而,Actovegin0受到了广泛的宣传,并且围绕该药物也有许多传闻(见12)。目前,Actovegin〜R不在世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)的禁用物质列表中(34)。



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