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Acute Dyspnea in a 10-year-old boy after a fall.


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The patient, D.O., was a 10-yr-old boy with a past medical history significant for asthma, who was injured playing touch football. After diving for a fumble during the game, the patient's older brother landed directly on top of him. D.O. ran inside his house complaining of an inability to catch his breath and considerable pain. It was initially assumed that the shortness of breath was a result of D.O.'s significant asthma, but because his pain and dyspnea did not abate with time, he was taken to an urgent care center for evaluation. At that time, he was complaining of pain in his neck, shoulder, and arm. Radiographs were reported as normal; D.O. was placed in a sling and told to take ibuprofen and follow up with an orthopedist in 3-5 d if the pain persisted. He returned home but remained in a significant amount of pain. He was unable to sleep, and the next morning refused to eat breakfast, secondary to fear that "it might get stuck." D.O. was subsequently taken to an orthopedic office later that morning.



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