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Sideline Evaluation and Management of Acute Hip Trauma in a Collegiate Athlete


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Traumatic injuries of the femoroacetabular joint and labrum are relatively infrequent in contact sports, including football. Extra-articular injuries to the hip region are reported more frequently, such as bone and soft tissue contusions to the iliac crest and fossa, and sprains and strains of the soft tissues of the hip and pelvic girdle. A study of injury patterns in Big 10 Conference Football reports that injuries to the hip, thigh, and leg (excluding the knee, foot, and ankle) comprise 1.0/1000 incidents (1). Another study, which analyzes 16 years of data from the NCAA Injury Surveillance System for men's collegiate football, reports that soft tissue injuries to the hip and pelvis have an infrequent but significant incidence, with muscle-tendon strains and pelvis-hip contusions (1.9% and 1.8%, respectively) being most common. Any injury type that does not comprise at least 1% of total injuries is not included; thus the exclusion of pelvic and acetabular injuries highlights their infrequency (2).
机译:在包括足球在内的接触运动中,股骨髋臼关节和唇的外伤比较少见。髋关节外关节损伤的报道更为频繁,例如bone骨和窝的骨和软组织挫伤,以及髋部和骨盆带的软组织扭伤和拉伤。一项关于“十大职业橄榄球”受伤模式的研究报告说,髋部,大腿和腿部(膝盖,脚和脚踝除外)受伤占1.0 / 1000起事件(1)。另一项研究分析了来自NCAA男子大学橄榄球伤害监测系统的16年数据,该研究报告说,臀部和骨盆的软组织损伤很少见,但发生率很高,其中有肌腱拉伤和骨盆-髋挫伤(1.9%和分别为1.8%)是最常见的。不包括至少占总伤害1%的任何伤害类型;因此,骨盆和髋臼损伤的排除突出了它们的发生频率(2)。



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