首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Polymelia in the tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus (Anura : Bufonidae)

Polymelia in the tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus (Anura : Bufonidae)

机译:蟾蜍(Bofo melanostictus)An中的蜂mel(Anura:Bufonidae)

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In this communication we report vitamin A-induced multiplication of forelimbs and hind limbs in the tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus (Anura: Bufonidae). Different types of limb multiplication, based on the skeletal elements have also been investigated. Hind limb bud-stage tadpoles were exposed to vitamin A (Palmitate, 10 IU/ml) solution for 24 (set I), 48 (set II) and 72 h (set III), respectively. Vitamin A caused an exposure-dependent toxic effect on survival of the tadpoles because 10, 30 and 60% tadpoles died prior to the emergence of forelimbs from sets I, II and III, respectively. Metamorphosis was delayed in the experimental tadpoles. [References: 21]
机译:在本次交流中,我们报道了维生素A引起的非洲大蟾蜍(Anfo:Bufonidae)the的前肢和后肢繁殖。还研究了基于骨骼元素的不同类型的肢体繁殖。后肢芽期t分别暴露于维生素A(Palmitate,10 IU / ml)溶液中(分别为I组),48组(II组)和72小时(III组)。维生素A对the的存活产生了依赖于暴露的毒性作用,因为分别有10%,30%和60%的died在第I,II和III组的前肢出现之前死亡。变态在实验t中被延迟。 [参考:21]



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