首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Plankton as indicators of coastal water bodies during south-west to north-east monsoon transition at Kalpakkam

Plankton as indicators of coastal water bodies during south-west to north-east monsoon transition at Kalpakkam


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In the coastal waters of Kalpakkam, a water body characterized by high salinity, rich nutrients and low temperature (southern-sub surface water SSW) was seen during the early half of September when the pole-ward current prevailed. This was replaced by low saline, low nutrient and relatively high temperature water (northern-surf;tce water NSW) during early October when the current was equator-ward, This reversal in current direction is induced by the north-east monsoon winds during the SW to NE monsoon transition. It is also observed that SSW in the Kalpakkam coast during the later half of September was characterized by the presence of pennate diatoms Nitzschia closterium, Asterioilella glacialis and Thalassionema nitzschiodes. However, NSW in this coast in early October is characterized by the presence of centric diatom Skeletonema costatum. The two water bodies also have a characteristic zooplankton population, the SSW is rich in meroplankton and the NSW is poor in meroplankton. Thus, the pennate diatom N. closterium, A. glacialis and T. nitzschiodes would be considered as indicators of SSW and centric diatom S. costatum as the indicator of NSW. [References: 20]
机译:9月上半月极地水流盛行时,在卡尔帕卡姆沿海水域,发现了一个以高盐度,丰富养分和低温为特征的水体(南亚地表水SSW)。在10月初,当海流向赤道方向移动时,它被低盐,低养分和相对高温的水(北水;新南威尔士州水)所替代。在当前方向上的这种逆转是由东北季风引起的。 SW向NE季风过渡。还观察到,9月下半月在卡尔帕卡姆海岸的SSW的特征是存在羽状硅藻Nitzschia closterium,Asterioilella glacialis和Thalassionema nitzschiodes。然而,十月初在该海岸的新南威尔士州的特征是存在中心硅藻骨架骨骼。这两个水体也具有特征性的浮游动物种群,SSW的浮游动物丰富,而NSW的浮游动物则较差。因此,可将戊二酸硅藻梭状芽胞杆菌,冰川A. glacialis和T. nitzschiodes视为SSW的指示剂,而将中枢硅藻S.costatum视为NSW的指示剂。 [参考:20]



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