首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, B >DFT-based study of electron transport through ferrocene compounds with different anchor groups in different adsorption configurations of an STM setup

DFT-based study of electron transport through ferrocene compounds with different anchor groups in different adsorption configurations of an STM setup


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In our theoretical study in which we combine a nonequilibrium Green's function approach with density functional theory (DFT) we investigate compounds containing a ferrocene moiety which is connected to (i) thiol anchor groups on both sides in a para-connection and (ii) a pyridyl anchor group on one side in a meta-connection and a thiol group on the other side in a para-connection, in both cases with acetylenic spacers in between the ferrocene and the anchors. We predict possible single-molecule junction geometries within a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) setup, where we find that the conductance trend for the set of conformations is intriguing in the sense that the conductance does not decrease while the junction length increases, which we analyze and explain in terms of the Fermi level alignment. We also find a pattern for the current-voltage (I -V) curves within the linear-response regime for both molecules we study, where the conductance variation with the molecular configurations is surprisingly small.
机译:在我们与密度函数理论(DFT)结合非Quilibium的功能方法(DFT)的理论研究中,我们研究了含有二茂铁部分的化合物,其在与(I)两侧的(I)硫醇锚基团中的对准和(ii)a在2例中,在与乙炔间隔物和锚之间的乙炔间隔物的两种情况下,在另一侧的吡啶基锚组和另一侧的硫醇组。我们预测扫描隧道显微镜(STM)设置内的可能的单分子结几何形状,在那里我们发现该组构象的电导趋势在易于迷恋的情况下,在连接长度增加时,导电不会降低,我们分析并在费米水平对齐方面解释。我们还发现了用于我们研究的两种分子的线性响应制度内的电流电压(I -V)曲线的图案,其中分子配置的电导变化令人惊讶。



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