首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >The structure, optical absorption and luminescence properties of the Zn1-xThxSe quantum dots prepared via mercaptoethanol assisted colloidal approach

The structure, optical absorption and luminescence properties of the Zn1-xThxSe quantum dots prepared via mercaptoethanol assisted colloidal approach


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Nanocrystalline Zn1-xThxSe quantum dots have been prepared using mercaptoethanol assisted colloidal approach. The prepared Zn1-xThxSe QDs exhibited a cubic crystalline structure. The Zn1-xThxSe quantum dots showed uniform spherical shapes with size in the range of 2 to 6 nm. The optical absorption spectra were shifted to large wavelengths with increasing the amount of Th ions in the ZnSe structures. The optical band gap decreased from 3.18 nm to 2.84 nm with increasing the Th ions from 0 to 0.07 mol. The replacement of the Zn ions by Th ions lead to an improvement of the intensity of luminescence by five times, a decrease of the peaks width by three times and 91% an increase of the quantum yield. The Stokes shift decreased with the increase of the Th ions was argued the suppression of the crystal defects and number of Zn2+ vacancies in the ZnSe crystals. The high luminescence intensity, narrow band of emission and the high quantum yield may enable the developed Zn1-xThxSe QDs to be used for manufacture of laser diodes.
机译:使用巯基乙醇辅助胶体方法制备纳米晶Zn1-XThxse量子点。制备的Zn1-xthxse QD表现出立方晶结构。 Zn1-Xthxse量子点显示均匀的球形形状,尺寸在2至6nm的范围内。通过增加ZnSe结构中的Th离子的量,光学吸收光谱移至大波长。光带间隙从3.18nm到2.84nm降低,随着0至0.07摩尔的增加。替代Zn离子通过5次提高发光强度,峰宽的降低三次,增加量子产率的增加。随着Th离子的增加,斯托克斯偏移随着抑制抑制ZnSe晶体中的晶体缺陷和Zn2 +空位的数量。高发光强度,发射窄带和高量子产率可以使开发的Zn1-Xthxse QD用于制造激光二极管。



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