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Facing death, gazing inward: end-of-life and the transformation of clinical subjectivity in Thailand.


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In this article, I describe a new form of clinical subjectivity in Thailand, emerging out of public debate over medical care at the end of life. Following the controversial high-tech death of the famous Buddhist monk Buddhadasa, many began to denounce modern death as falling prey to social ills in Thai society, such as consumerism, technology-worship, and the desire to escape the realities of existence. As a result, governmental and non-governmental organizations have begun to focus on the end-of-life as a locus for transforming Thai society. Moving beyond the classic outward focus of the medical gaze, they have begun teaching clinicians and patients to gaze inward instead, to use the suffering inherent in medicine and illness to face the nature of existence and attain inner wisdom. In this article, I describe the emergence of this new gaze and its major conceptual components, including a novel idea of what it means to be 'human,' as well as a series of technologies used to craft this humanity: confession, "facing suffering," and untying "knots" in the heart. I also describe how this new subjectivity has begun to change the long-stable Buddhist concept of death as taking place at a moment in time, giving way for a new concept of "end-of-life," an elongated interval to be experienced, studied, and used for inner wisdom.
机译:在本文中,我描述了泰国的一种新的临床主观性形式,这种形式是在生命周期结束时就医疗问题引起的公众争论中出现的。继著名的和尚高僧佛陀达沙(高科技)死于有争议的高科技之后,许多人开始谴责现代死亡,将其视为泰国社会弊病的牺牲品,例如消费主义,对技术的崇拜以及对逃避现实的渴望。结果,政府和非政府组织已开始将生命尽头作为改变泰国社会的根源。他们超越了医学凝视的经典外向焦点,开始教导临床医生和患者向内凝视,利用医学和疾病固有的苦难面对生存的本质并获得内在的智慧。在本文中,我描述了这种新凝视的出现及其主要的概念组成部分,包括对“人”的含义的新颖观念,以及用于塑造这种人性的一系列技术:坦白,“面对苦难” ”,并在心中解开“结”。我还描述了这种新的主观性是如何开始改变长期稳定的佛教死亡观念的,这一观念在某个时刻发生,并为新的“生命终结”概念让路,这是一个较长的时间间隔,学习,并用于内在的智慧。



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