首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences >Regional seismicity and on-land deformation in the Ryukyu arc: Implications for the kinematics of opening of the Okinawa Trough

Regional seismicity and on-land deformation in the Ryukyu arc: Implications for the kinematics of opening of the Okinawa Trough


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The stress field evolution and the kinematics of opening of the Okinawa Trough are investigated on the basis of earthquake focal mechanisms and structural data in the Ryukyu are and the Okinawa Trough. Focal mechanisms show that the crust underlying the are and the trough undergoes extension along two suborthogonal directions: a regional are-perpendicular extension and a local al c-parallel extension. Both extensions are concurrent and related to the same regional stress field characterized by permutating horizontal sigma (2) and sigma (3) axes. Earthquake slip vectors reveal a southward motion of the Ryukyu are with respect to the south China block. The current pole of opening of the Okinawa Trough is located around 16 degreesN and 50 degreesE. Fracture analysis in Okinawa island allows identification of three episodes of extension: a late Miocene N40 degreesW to N20 degreesE extension (episode I), a late Pliocene to early Pleistocene N20 degreesE extension (episode II), and a latest Pleistocene to present-day N20 degreesW extension (episode III). Episodes II and III are characterized by permutations between the two horizontal sigma (2) and sigma (3) axes. By synthesizing regional deformation data and by comparing the geometry of the deformation with analogue models of oblique rifting we reconstruct the kinematics of opening of the Okinawa Trough since the late Miocene. The direction of divergence of the Ryukyu are has rotated clockwise from -N150 degreesE in the late Miocene to nearly N-S today. [References: 66]
机译:根据琉球海峡和冲绳海槽的地震震源机制和构造数据,研究了冲绳海槽的应力场演化和运动学。震源机制表明,在are和槽下面的地壳沿着两个正交的方向延伸:区域性的垂直延伸和局部的c平行延伸。两种扩展是同时发生的,并且与以水平sigma(2)和sigma(3)轴排列为特征的同一区域应力场相关。地震滑动矢量揭示了琉球相对于华南地块的向南运动。冲绳海槽的开口电流极位于16°N和50°E附近。冲绳岛的断裂分析可以识别出三段伸展:中新世晚期N40度到N20度E延伸(第I集),上新世晚期至中新世N20度E早期延伸(第II集)以及最新的更新世到今天的N20度W扩展(第III集)。情节II和III的特征是两个水平sigma(2)和sigma(3)轴之间的排列。通过综合区域变形数据,并将变形的几何形状与斜裂的模拟模型进行比较,我们重建了中新世以来冲绳海槽张开的运动学。琉球的发散方向已从中新世晚期的-N150度E顺时针旋转到今天的近N-S。 [参考:66]



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