首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Formation of Plant Sterol Oxidation Products in Foods during Baking and Cooking Using Margarine without and with Added Plant Sterol Esters

Formation of Plant Sterol Oxidation Products in Foods during Baking and Cooking Using Margarine without and with Added Plant Sterol Esters


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Plant sterols (PS) in foods are subject to thermal oxidation to form PS oxidation products (POP). This study measured POP contents of 19 foods prepared by typical household baking and cooking methods using margarines without (control) and with 7.5% added PS (as 12.5% PS-esters, PS-margarine). Median POP contents per portion size of cooked foods were 0.57 mg (range 0.05-1.11 mg) with control margarine versus 1.42 mg (range 0.08-20.5 mg) with PS-margarine. The oxidation rate of PS (ORP) was 0.50% (median) with the PS-margarine and 3.66% with the control margarine. Using the PS-margarine, microwave-cooked codfish had the lowest POP content, with 0.08 mg per portion, while shallow-fried potatoes had the highest POP content, 20.5 mg per portion. Median POP contents in cookies, muffins, banana bread, and sponge cake baked with the control or PS-margarine were 0.12 mg (range 0.11-0.21 mg) and 0.24 mg (range 0.19-0.60 mg) per portion, with a corresponding ORP of 1.38% and 0.06%, respectively. POP contents in all the cooked and baked foods did not exceed 20.5 mg per typical portion size. A wide variation in the distribution of individual POP among different foods existed, with 7-keto-PS and 5,6-epoxy-PS being the major oxidation products.
机译:食物中的植物固醇(PS)会受到热氧化而形成PS氧化产物(POP)。这项研究测量了19种食品的POP含量,这些食品是使用不含(对照)人造黄油和添加7.5%PS(作为PS-人造黄油为12.5%PS酯)的人造黄油制成的。相对于人造黄油而言,每份熟食品中POP含量的中位数为0.57 mg(范围0.05-1.11 mg),而对照组为1.42 mg(范围0.08-20.5 mg)。 PS-人造黄油的PS氧化率(ORP)为0.50%(中值),而对照人造黄油则为3.66%。使用PS-人造黄油,微波煮熟的鳕鱼的POP含量最低,每份为0.08 mg,而浅炸土豆的POP含量最高,为每份20.5 mg。饼干,松饼,香蕉面包和用对照或PS-人造黄油烘焙的海绵蛋糕中的POP含量中位数为每部分0.12 mg(范围为0.11-0.21 mg)和0.24 mg(范围为0.19-0.60 mg),相应的ORP为分别为1.38%和0.06%。所有熟食和烘烤食品中的POP含量每标准份量均不超过20.5 mg。在不同食物中,单个POP的分布存在很大差异,其中主要的氧化产物是7-酮基PS和5,6-环氧-PS。



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