首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Contribution of Human Oral Cells to Astringency by Binding Salivary Protein/Tannin Complexes

Contribution of Human Oral Cells to Astringency by Binding Salivary Protein/Tannin Complexes


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The most widely accepted mechanism to explain astringency is the interaction and precipitation of salivary proteins by food tannins, in particular proline-rich proteins. However, other mechanisms have been arising to explain astringency, such as binding of tannins to oral cells. In this work, an experimental method was adapted to study the possible contribution of both salivary proteins and oral cells to astringency induced by grape seed procyanidin fractions. Overall, in the absence of salivary proteins, the extent of procyanidin complexation with oral cells increased with increasing procyanidin degree of polymerization (mDP). Procyanidin fractions rich in monomers were the ones with the lowest ability to bind to oral cells. In the presence of salivary proteins and for procyanidins with mDP 2 the highest concentrations (1.5 and 2.0 mM) resulted in an increased binding of procyanidins to oral cells. This was even more evident for fractions III and IV at 1.0 mM and upper concentrations. Regarding the salivary proteins affected, it was possible to observe a decrease of P-B peptide and aPRP proteins for fractions II and III. This decrease is greater as the procyanidins' mDP increases. In fact, for fraction IV an almost total depletion of all salivary proteins was observed. This decrease is due to the formation of insoluble salivary protein/procyanidin complexes. Altogether, these data suggest that some procyanidins are able to bind to oral cells and that the salivary proteins interact with procyanidins forming salivary protein/procyanidin complexes that are also able to link to oral cells. The procyanidins that remain unbound to oral cells are able to bind to salivary proteins forming a large network of salivary protein/procyanidin complexes. Overall, the results presented herein provide one more step to understand food oral astringency onset.
机译:解释涩味的最广泛接受的机制是食物单宁特别是富含脯氨酸的蛋白质与唾液蛋白质的相互作用和沉淀。但是,已经出现了其他机制来解释涩味,例如单宁与口腔细胞的结合。在这项工作中,采用了一种实验方法来研究唾液蛋白和口腔细胞对葡萄籽原花青素组分诱导的涩味的可能贡献。总体而言,在不存在唾液蛋白的情况下,原花青素与口腔细胞的复合程度随原花青素聚合度(mDP)的提高而增加。富含单体的原花青素级分是结合口腔细胞能力最低的级分。在唾液蛋白存在的情况下,对于具有mDP 2的原花青素,最高浓度(1.5和2.0 mM)导致原花青素与口腔细胞的结合增加。对于1.0 mM和更高浓度的馏分III和IV,这一点甚至更加明显。关于受影响的唾液蛋白,有可能观察到II和III级分的P-B肽和aPRP蛋白减少。当原花青素的mDP增加时,这种减少更大。实际上,对于级分IV,几乎所有唾液蛋白都被消耗掉了。这种减少是由于形成了不溶性唾液蛋白/原花青素复合物。总而言之,这些数据表明某些原花青素能够与口腔细胞结合,唾液蛋白与原花青素相互作用形成唾液蛋白/原花青素复合物,它们也能够与口腔细胞连接。未与口腔细胞结合的原花青素能够与唾液蛋白结合,形成唾液蛋白/原花青素复合物的大型网络。总体而言,本文提供的结果为理解食物口服涩味发作提供了又一步骤。



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