
Petrobras, BP are slimming down to sustain business


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As crude prices stumbled another notch lower, the UK supermajor announced that it will have to take additional measures to reduce costs. 'We expect prices will remain lower for even longer than we originally envisaged at the beginning of last year,' said upstream chief executive Lamar McKay, announcing that substantial layoffs-in addition to other efforts to 'rephase and refocus activity,'-in BP's upstream segment would be necessary. 'Overall, at a segment level we are planning an upstream organization with a workforce below 20,000 people by the end of 2016,' he said, explaining that at least 4,000 staff and contractor positions would likely be eliminated. 'I cannot say how far below 20,000 since the environment continues to change and weaken.'
机译:由于原油价格再跌了一个档次,这家英国超级巨头宣布它将不得不采取其他措施来降低成本。上游首席执行官拉马尔·麦凯(Lamar McKay)表示:“我们预计油价将比去年初预期的价格下跌甚至更长的时间。”上游部分将是必要的。他说:“总体而言,我们正计划在一个细分市场上,到2016年底,员工人数少于20,000的上游组织。”他解释说,很可能会淘汰至少4,000名员工和承包商职位。他说,由于环境不断变化和削弱,我无法说到20,000以下。


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