首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >The effect of spatial attention on contrast response functions in human visual cortex.

The effect of spatial attention on contrast response functions in human visual cortex.


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Previous electrophysiology data suggests that the modulation of neuronal firing by spatial attention depends on stimulus contrast, which has been described using either a multiplicative gain or a contrast-gain model. Here we measured the effect of spatial attention on contrast responses in humans using functional MRI. To our surprise, we found that the modulation of blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) responses by spatial attention does not greatly depend on stimulus contrast in visual cortical areas tested [V1, V2, V3, and MT+ (middle temporal area)]. An additive model, rather than a multiplicative or contrast-gain model best describes the attentional modulations in V1. This inconsistency with previous single-unit electrophysiological data has implications for the population-based neuronal source of the BOLD signal.
机译:先前的电生理数据表明,空间注意力对神经元放电的调节取决于刺激对比,已使用乘法增益或对比增益模型对此进行了描述。在这里,我们使用功能性MRI测量了空间注意力对人类对比反应的影响。令我们惊讶的是,我们发现,空间注意力对血液氧合水平依赖性(BOLD)反应的调节在很大程度上不取决于所测试的视觉皮层区域[V1,V2,V3和MT +(中颞叶区域)]的刺激对比。加性模型而不是乘法或对比度增益模型最能描述V1中的注意调制。与以前的单单元电生理数据的不一致对BOLD信号的基于人群的神经元来源有影响。



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