首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >Can we approach the gas-liquid critical point using slab simulations of two coexisting phases?

Can we approach the gas-liquid critical point using slab simulations of two coexisting phases?


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In this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to approach the gas-liquid critical point of the Lennard-Jones fluid by performing simulations in a slab geometry using a cut-off potential. In the slab simulation geometry, it is essential to apply an accurate tail correction to the potential energy, applied during the course of the simulation, to study the properties of states close to the critical point. Using the Jane. cek slab-based method developed for two-phase Monte Carlo simulations [J. Janecek, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 6264 (2006)], the coexisting densities and surface tension in the critical region are reported as a function of the cutoff distance in the intermolecular potential. The results obtained using slab simulations are compared with those obtained using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations of isotropic systems and the finite-size scaling techniques. There is a good agreement between these two approaches. The two-phase simulations can be used in approaching the critical point for temperatures up to 0.97 T*(C) (T* = 1.26). The critical-point exponents describing the dependence of the density, surface tension, and interfacial thickness on the temperature are calculated near the critical point. Published by AIP Publishing.
机译:在本文中,我们证明可以通过使用截止电位在平板几何形状中进行模拟来逼近Lennard-Jones流体的气液临界点。在平板模拟几何中,必须对模拟过程中施加的势能进行精确的尾部校正,以研究接近临界点的状态的特性。使用简。为两阶段蒙特卡洛模拟开发的基于cek平板的方法[J. Janecek,J.Chem。物理131,6264(2006)],临界区中共存的密度和表面张力被报告为分子间电势中截止距离的函数。将使用平板模拟获得的结果与使用各向同性系统的大经典蒙特卡洛模拟和有限尺寸缩放技术获得的结果进行比较。这两种方法之间有很好的协议。两阶段仿真可用于逼近温度高达0.97 T *(C)(T * = 1.26)的临界点。在临界点附近计算描述密度,表面张力和界面厚度对温度的依赖性的临界点指数。由AIP Publishing发布。



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