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PCR detection of ratoon stunting disease pathogen and natural resistance analysis in sugarcane core germplasms.


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Exploring and utilizing resistant germplasm resources plays a pivotal role in breeding for disease resistance, while screening resistant germplasm is important for selecting and breeding varieties resistant to disease. In the present study, we used PCR to detect the ratoon stunting disease (RSD) bacterium Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx) in 137 sugarcane core germplasms from the National Nursery of Sugarcane Germplasm Resources (NNSGR, Kaiyuan, China) in 2009, 2010 and 2011. A total of 21 germplasms that tested negative for Lxx in 2009 and 2010 were selected for further Lxx detection after being subjected to artificial inoculation in 2011 and 2012. The 21 core germplasms that were negative for Lxx after natural infection and artificial inoculation can provide elite resistance source materials and reference frames for the effective breeding of RSD-resistant sugarcane varieties. Under natural conditions, 116 (84.67%) and 21 (15.33%) out of 137 germplasms were positive and negative for Lxx, respectively, as determined by PCR detection, which suggests that a relatively high ratio of sugarcane core germplasms was sensitive to RSD, while few were resistant to RSD. The sequencing and analysis of 30 randomly selected PCR products showed that all 30 sequences were identical or highly homologous to the corresponding Lxx genome region published in GenBank (99.54-100% similarity). Lxx can be detected effectively and precisely by PCR. We therefore recommend PCR as a rapid, low cost and simple procedure to score sugarcane core germplasms for RSD resistance.
机译:探索和利用抗病种质资源在抗病育种中起着举足轻重的作用,而抗病种质的筛选对于选择和育种抗病品种至关重要。在本研究中,我们使用PCR技术检测了再生迟钝性疾病(RSD)细菌Xifli亚种。 2009年,2010年和2011年来自甘蔗种质资源国家苗圃的137个甘蔗核心种质中的xyli(Lxx)。在2009年和2010年总共选择了对Lxx呈阴性的21种种质作为进一步的Lxx。在2011年和2012年进行人工接种后进行检测。21种自然感染和人工接种后对Lxx阴性的核心种质可以为抗RSD抗性甘蔗品种的有效育种提供优良的抗性来源材料和参考框架。在自然条件下,通过PCR检测,在137个种质中Lxx分别为116种(84.67%)和21种(15.33%)为Lxx阳性,这表明相对较高的甘蔗核心种质对RSD敏感,而很少有人对RSD有抵抗力。对30种随机选择的PCR产物的测序和分析表明,所有30个序列与GenBank中公布的相应Lxx基因组区域相同或高度同源(99.54-100%相似性)。通过PCR可以有效,准确地检测Lxx。因此,我们建议将PCR作为一种快速,低成本且简单的方法来对甘蔗核心种质进行RSD抗性评分。



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