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The relative toxicity of metaldehyde and iron phosphate-based molluscicides to earthworms


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Slugs are suppressed by cereal flour-based baits or pellets containing metaldehyde, or containing iron phosphate plus chelating agents, which are also consumed by earthworms and other invertebrates. These studies compared the effects of metaldehyde and iron phosphate alone, with those of iron phosphate plus chelating agents EDDS and EDTA, and of the chelating agents alone on earthworms. OECD artificial soil test: Earthworms (Eisenia fetida) were exposed directly to the molluscicides in artificial soil. The test chemicals were: metaldehyde; iron phosphate; ethyldiaminetetraceticacid (EDTA), ethylenediaminesuccinicacid (EDDS) and mixtures of iron phosphate and these latter two chemicals. LD"5"0 values were more than 10,000 mg kg^-^1 for metaldehyde and iron phosphate, 156.5 mg kg^-^1 for EDTA, 145.6 mg kg^-^1 for EDDS, 72.2 mg kg^-^1 for iron phosphate/EDTA, and 83.0 mg kg^-^1 for iron phosphate/EDDS. Microcosm test: Four mature Lumbricus terrestris were exposed in each microcosm (15 cm diam. x 30 cm deep) to pellets containing: no active ingredient; metaldehyde (4%); iron phosphate/EDTA (1%) (Sluggo^(R)); iron phosphate (3%); EDTA (3%); EDDS (3%). Metaldehyde and iron phosphate did not affect earthworm feeding, growth or mortality. Sluggo^(R) decreased earthworm feeding and caused loss of weight and mortality. Earthworms consumed fewer pellets containing EDDS or EDTA and lost weight.
机译:用谷物粉为基础的饵料或含有甲醛,或含有磷酸铁和螯合剂的颗粒来抑制团块,earth和其他无脊椎动物也会消耗这些团块。这些研究比较了甲醛和磷酸铁单独,磷酸铁加螯合剂EDDS和EDTA以及单独螯合剂对earth的影响。经合组织人工土壤试验:worm(Eisenia fetida)直接暴露于人工土壤中的杀软体动物剂。测试化学品为:甲醛;磷酸铁乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA),乙二胺琥珀酸(EDDS)以及磷酸铁与后两种化学物质的混合物。对于甲醛和磷酸铁,LD“ 5” 0值大于10,000 mg kg ^-^ 1,对于EDTA为156.5 mg kg ^-^ 1,对于EDDS为145.6 mg kg ^-^ 1,对于7DS为72.2 mg kg ^-^ 1。磷酸铁/ EDTA,和磷酸铁/ EDDS为83.0mg kg -1。缩影试验:在每个缩影中(直径15厘米x深30厘米),将四个成熟的mb藜暴露于含有以下成分的药丸中:甲醛(4%);磷酸铁/ EDTA(1%)(Sluggo);磷酸铁(3%); EDTA(3%); EDDS(3%)。甲醛和磷酸铁不影响worm的摄食,生长或死亡率。 Sluggo减少了feeding的摄食并导致体重和死亡率下降。 consumed消耗较少的含有EDDS或EDTA的颗粒,并且体重减轻。



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