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Farmers' knowledge about common pests and pesticide safety in conventional cotton production in Pakistan


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Innovations in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) pest management should be initially based on the perspective of cotton farmers, recognizing farmers' constraints and their existing technical knowledge as the basis for an effective collaboration. A survey of 318 randomly selected farmers from two districts of the cotton belt of Punjab in Pakistan was conducted to study common crop protection problems and related behaviors in cotton production in the area. Data were collected through group discussions with farmers and individual interviews. Relative frequencies of distribution for the tested variables, weighted average scores based on the weight assigned to each answer for the rating scales, and the Borich Needs Assessment Model for the training needs were used for relevant comparisons. Most farmers considered pest damage to be important in cotton production causing significant yield losses. Farmers had awareness of some major insect pests, but the majority of them used descriptive than specific names when defining a pest. Among well-known insects whiteflies, aphids, leafhoppers, thrips, and bollworms were mentioned, but farmers had great difficulty in distinguishing the different species. Identification of cotton diseases was practically non-existent, except from cotton leaf curl. Farmers were aware of a limited number of major weeds. Most of them stated purple nutsedge and bermudagrass as frequent weed problems in cotton production in the area. In general, weeds were perceived as a constant and unresolved problem in cotton production, but with less impact on yield than insects. The majority of the farmers relied on the chemical method for pest control, but knowledge on pesticide safety issues was below average. High needs for training were found on a) the proper period for pesticide application, b) the identification of natural enemies for cotton pests, and c) the discrimination of symptoms of various diseases. Understanding farmers' views of pests and their impact can be a first major step for more efficient pest management in cotton production. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)病虫害管理的创新应首先基于棉花种植者的观点,认识到种植者的制约因素和他们现有的技术知识作为有效合作的基础。对巴基斯坦旁遮普邦棉区两个地区的318名随机选择的农民进行了调查,以研究该地区棉花生产中常见的作物保护问题和相关行为。通过与农民的小组讨论和个人访谈收集了数据。相关比较使用了测试变量的相对分布频率,基于给每个答案分配的等级量表的权重的加权平均分以及训练需求的Borich需求评估模型。大多数农民认为,虫害对棉花生产很重要,会导致产量大幅下降。农民已经意识到一些主要的害虫,但是在定义害虫时,大多数人使用的是描述性名称而不是特定名称。在著名的昆虫中,粉虱,蚜虫,叶蝉,蓟马和棉铃虫被提及,但是农民很难区分不同的物种。除了棉花叶子卷曲以外,几乎没有发现棉花疾病。农民意识到少数几种主要杂草。他们中的大多数人都说紫色的树篱和百慕大草是该地区棉花生产中常见的杂草问题。通常,杂草被认为是棉花生产中一个长期存在且尚未解决的问题,但对产量的影响却比昆虫要小。大多数农民依靠化学方法来控制病虫害,但对农药安全性问题的了解却低于平均水平。在以下方面对培训有很高的需求:a)适当的农药施用期限; b)查明棉花害虫的天敌;以及c)区分各种疾病的症状。了解农民对害虫的看法及其影响可能是在棉花生产中更有效地进行害虫管理的第一步。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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