首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Chemical Physics >An equilibrium supercooled liquid's entropy and enthalpy in the Kauzmann and the third law extrapolations, and a proposed experimental resolution

An equilibrium supercooled liquid's entropy and enthalpy in the Kauzmann and the third law extrapolations, and a proposed experimental resolution


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In our current discussion of the thermodynamics and molecular kinetics of glass-fanning liquids, the entropy is extrapolated below a liquid’s vitrification temperature T5 along a curve of progressively increasing slope until a temperature Tk is reached. Here the entropy and heat capacity, C,,. of the equilibrium liquid become equal to those of its crystal. Several observations have indicated fundamental difficulties with this extrapolation, thus suggesting the need for an altanative. We propose one alternative, in which C~, of an equilibrium liquid decreases along a sigmoid-shape path stretched over a broad temperature range from above T8 to 0 K. Its entropy and C,,, become equal to those of its crystal at 0 K, as required by the third law of thermodynamics, and the enthaipy and volume remain higher. To elaborate, the available ~ data of 12 supercooled liquids have been interpolated between T> Tg and 0 K, and the enthalpy of their equilibrium state at 0 K, as well as the Gibbs free energy and enthalpy at T< Tg. determined. The enthalpy of the equilibrium liquid state at 0 K is 17%—37% of the enthalpy of melting, and for eight out of 12 liquids the Kauzmunn extrapolation and our interpolation yield values within 5% of the average. Relative merits of the two resolutions of the entropy situation may be tested by the heat of solution, enthalpy loss and vapor pressure measurements of aged nonionic glasses and emf measurement of ionic glasses forming a half-cell of an electrocheniical equilibrium. The anticipated. enthalpy, Gibbs energy and vapor pressure change for the Kauzmann extrapolation of C~ and our interpolation are given at T< Tg for triphenylethene. As the equipment time needed for such measurements is only a few hours, such experiments may allow a study of the time-dependent thermodynamics of a glass more conveniently than other experiments.
机译:在我们目前对玻璃化液体的热力学和分子动力学的讨论中,熵在液体的玻璃化温度T5以下沿着逐渐增加的斜率曲线外推,直到达到温度Tk为止。这里的熵和热容量C ,。平衡液体的结晶度等于其晶体的结晶度。几项观察表明了这种推论的根本困难,因此暗示了需要一种化合剂。我们提出了一种替代方法,其中平衡液体的C〜沿在从T8到0 K的较宽温度范围内延伸的S形路径下降。其熵和C等于其晶体在0时的熵和C。按照热力学第三定律的要求,K和焓和体积仍然较高。详细说来,已经在T> Tg和0 K之间插入了12种过冷液体的可用数据,并在0 K处插入了其平衡态的焓,在T



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