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KARL MAYER'S successful ITM participation


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RARL MAYER'S stand once again proved to be much more than one of the first ports of call for the warp knitting and warp preparation sectors at this year's ITM fair. The warp preparation section in particular was crowded, despite a relatively slow start to the trade fair in general. In addition to its main Turkish clients, KARL MAYER welcomed many visitors from Iran. "There really was a lot going on," said Andreas Fauerbach, the Regional Sales Manger. Iranian companies are profiting from the lowering of travel restrictions to Turkey, and intend modernising their plants now that sanctions have been lifted. Another large group of visitors came from North Africa, mainly from Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Ethiopia. On the whole, however, the significance of the ITM fair was mainly regional.
机译:在今年的ITM交易会上,RARL MAYER的展台再一次被证明不仅是经编和经编行业的第一站。尽管一般而言博览会的起步相对缓慢,但特别是经纱准备部分还是很拥挤。除了主要的土耳其客户外,卡尔迈耶还接待了许多来自伊朗的游客。 “确实发生了很多事情,”区域销售经理Andreas Fauerbach说。伊朗公司从降低前往土耳其的旅行限制中获利,并打算在制裁解除后,对其工厂进行现代化改造。另一批游客来自北非,主要来自埃及,阿尔及利亚,摩洛哥,突尼斯和埃塞俄比亚。但是,总的来说,ITM博览会的意义主要是区域性的。



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