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Total shuts Antwerp reformer after blast; other units running normally


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London - Total has shut its reformer unit at its refinery and petrochemical complex at Antwerp following a blast at its gasoline unit Tuesday, the company said Wednesday. All other units are operating normally, a company spokesperson said in an email. The explosion occurred Tuesday at around 3:00 pm local time (1400 GMT) in the steam system of a gasoline unit, resulting in two fatalities. Total's Antwerp refinery has a capacity of 350,000 b/d and is the third-largest plant in Europe, with 31 processing units that process crude oil into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel as well as naphtha and butane. The petrochemical complex includes three naphtha-based steam crackers with capacities of 610,000 mt/year, 550,000 mt/year and 255,000 mt/year. The smallest cracker has been idle since last year. The other petrochemical facilities at Antwerp include a benzene unit, a mixed-xylenes unit, a toluene unit, a polypropylene unit and a high density polyethylene unit.
机译:伦敦-道达尔公司周三表示,在汽油部门发生爆炸后,道达尔已关闭其安特卫普炼油和石化厂的重整装置。该公司发言人在一封电子邮件中说,其他所有设备均正常运行。爆炸发生在当地时间星期二下午3:00(格林尼治标准时间1400 GMT),发生在汽油装置的蒸汽系统中,造成两人死亡。道达尔的安特卫普炼油厂产能为350,000桶/天,是欧洲第三大炼油厂,拥有31个加工单元,可将原油加工成汽油,柴油和喷气燃料以及石脑油和丁烷。该石油化工联合企业包括三个基于石脑油的蒸汽裂解装置,产能分别为610,000吨/年,550,000吨/年和255,000吨/年。自去年以来,最小的饼干一直闲置。安特卫普的其他石化设施包括苯单元,混合二甲苯单元,甲苯单元,聚丙烯单元和高密度聚乙烯单元。



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