首页> 外文期刊>Creativity Research Journal >Scope of Semantic Activation and Innovative Thinking in College Students with ADHD

Scope of Semantic Activation and Innovative Thinking in College Students with ADHD


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Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show high divergent thinking on standardized laboratory measures. This study assessed innovative thinking in adults with ADHD using a realistic task and investigated a possible cognitive mechanism for ADHD-related advantages in innovative thinking. College students with and without ADHD (n=30 per group) completed a cell-phone feature invention task and word association task. Latent semantic analysis was used to measure semantic distance within cue-associate pairs on the word association task. Compared to non-ADHD peers, students with ADHD scored higher in originality, novelty, and flexibility on the cell phone task, and produced associates of lower semantic relatedness on the word association task. Tests of statistical mediation confirmed that the higher flexibility of the ADHD group was explained by semantic distance within cue-associate pairs on the word association task. Results support the possibility that ADHD is positively associated with specific aspects of innovative thinking, which may in part be attributable to a wide scope of semantic activation.
机译:患有注意力缺陷/多动障碍(ADHD)的成年人对标准化实验室措施表现出高度分歧。这项研究使用一项现实任务评估了成人多动症的创新思维,并研究了与多动症相关的创新思维优势的可能的认知机制。有或没有ADHD(每组n = 30)的大学生完成了一项手机功能发明任务和单词联想任务。潜在语义分析用于测量单词关联任务上提示关联对内的语义距离。与非多动症的同龄人相比,多动症的学生在手机任务上的独创性,新颖性和灵活性得分更高,在单词联想任务上产生的语义关联性较低。统计中介测试证实,ADHD组的较高灵活性是由单词关联任务上的提示关联对内的语义距离解释的。结果支持多动症与创新思维的特定方面正相关的可能性,这可能部分归因于广泛的语义激活。



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