首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >Exact solutions of embedding the four-dimensional perfect fluid in a five- or higher-dimensional Einstein spacetime and the cosmological interpretations

Exact solutions of embedding the four-dimensional perfect fluid in a five- or higher-dimensional Einstein spacetime and the cosmological interpretations


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We investigate an exact solution that describes the embedding of the four-dimensional (4D) perfect fluid in a five-dimensional (5D) Einstein spacetime. The effective metric of the 4D perfect fluid as a hypersurface with induced matter is equivalent to the Robertson-Walker metric of cosmology. This general solution shows interconnections among many 5D solutions, such as the solution in the braneworld scenario and the topological black hole with cosmological constant. If the 5D cosmological constant is positive, the metric periodically depends on the extra dimension. Thus we can compactify the extra dimension on S-1 and study the phenomenological issues. We also generalize the metric ansatz to the higher-dimensional case, in which the 4D part of the Einstein equations can be reduced to a linear equation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:我们研究了一个精确的解决方案,该解决方案描述了在五维(5D)爱因斯坦时空中嵌入四维(4D)完美流体。 4D完美流体作为具有诱发物质的超表面的有效度量等于宇宙学的Robertson-Walker度量。该通用解决方案显示了许多5D解决方案之间的相互联系,例如braneworld方案中的解决方案和具有宇宙学常数的拓扑黑洞。如果5D宇宙常数为正,则度量标准会定期取决于额外的维度。因此,我们可以压缩S-1上的额外维,并研究现象学问题。我们还将度量标准ansatz推广到高维情况,在这种情况下,爱因斯坦方程的4D部分可以简化为线性方程。 (C)2008 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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