首页> 外文期刊>Physical chemistry chemical physics: PCCP >Theory of solid effect and cross effect dynamic nuclear polarization with half-integer high-spin metal polarizing agents in rotating solids

Theory of solid effect and cross effect dynamic nuclear polarization with half-integer high-spin metal polarizing agents in rotating solids


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Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a powerful method to enhance sensitivity especially of solid-state magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR by up to several orders of magnitude. The increased interest both from a practical as well as theoretical viewpoint has spawned several fields of active research such as the development of new polarizing agents with improved or unique properties and description of the underlying DNP mechanisms such as solid effect (SE) and cross effect (CE). Even though a novel class of unique polarizing agents based on high-spin metal ions such as Gd(III) and Mn(II) has already been utilized for MAS DNP a theoretical description of the involved DNP mechanism is still incomplete. Here, we review several aspects of DNP-relevant electron-paramagnetic resonance (EPR) properties of the general class of these half-integer high-spin metal ions with isotropic Zeeman interaction but significant zero-field splitting (ZFS). While the SE can be relatively easily described similar to that of a S = 1/2 system and is assumed to be effective only for polarizing agents featuring a narrow central EPR transitions (i.e., m(S) = -1/2 -> +1/2) with respect to the nuclear Larmor frequency, the CE between two high-spin ions requires a more detailed theoretical investigation due to a multitude of possible transitions and matching conditions. This is especially interesting in light of recent understanding of CE being induced by MAS-driven level anti-crossings (LACs) between dipolar-coupled electron spins. We discuss the requirements of such CE-enabling LACs to occur due to anisotropy of ZFS, the expected adiabaticity, and the resulting possibilities of high-spin metal ion pairs to act as polarizing agents for DNP. This theoretical description serves as a framework for a detailed experimental study published directly following this work.
机译:动态核极化(DNP)是一种提高灵敏度的有效方法,尤其是将固态幻角旋转(MAS)NMR灵敏度提高几个数量级。无论是从实践角度还是从理论角度来看,人们日益增长的兴趣都催生了一些活跃的研究领域,例如开发了具有改进或独特性能的新型偏光剂,以及对基本DNP机制的描述,例如固体效应(SE)和交叉效应( CE)。尽管基于高自旋金属离子(如Gd(III)和Mn(II))的新型独特偏振剂已被用于MAS DNP,但有关DNP机理的理论描述仍不完整。在这里,我们回顾了DNP相关的电子顺磁共振(EPR)特性的几个方面,这些类具有各向同性塞曼相互作用但具有显着的零场分裂(ZFS)的半整数高自旋金属离子。尽管SE可以相对容易地描述为类似于S = 1/2系统的SE,并且被认为仅对具有窄中心EPR跃迁的偏振剂有效(即m(S)= -1/2-> + 1/2)关于核拉莫尔频率,由于大量可能的跃迁和匹配条件,两个高旋转离子之间的CE需要更详细的理论研究。鉴于最近对由偶极耦合电子自旋之间的MAS驱动的能级反交叉(LAC)诱导产生的CE的关注,这一点特别有趣。我们讨论了由于ZFS的各向异性,预期的绝热性以及导致高自旋金属离子对充当DNP极化剂的可能性而导致此类具有CE功能的LAC的要求。这一理论描述是在这项工作之后直接发表的详细实验研究的框架。



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