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Exploring the Creation of Picasso's Guernica: Composition Studies, Chance, Metaphors, and Expertise


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Simonton (2007) offered evidence for his Darwinian theory of creativity-blind nonmonotonic variation and selection-based on ratings of Picasso's preliminary sketches of the components for Guernica. This comment reexamines the sketches, adding two major sources of information: (a) consideration of the changing conceptions of the composition, as well as the components, and (b) inclusion of sketches from Picasso's first vision for his mural, the Studio sketches. Such analysis supports the notion of nonmonotonic variation including backtracking. It also suggests that the final mural, although radically different in its components from the Studio sketches, drew on the composition and theme of that initial vision for the mural, but in a completely reimagined form when a chance event pulled Picasso's thinking in a new direction. This comment also describes how Picasso drew on his expertise throughout his explorations, that lack of knowledge of outcome does not diminish the role of expertise in the artist at work. The terms Darwinian and blind mask this and other features of the creative process, and an alternate vocabulary is suggested.
机译:西蒙顿(Simonton(2007))为他的达尔文主义创造力盲非单调变异和选择理论提供了证据,该理论基于毕加索对格尔尼卡(Gernica)的初步草图的评价。该评论重新审查了草图,并增加了两个主要信息来源:(a)考虑构图和组件变化的概念,以及(b)包括毕加索对壁画工作室素描的最初构想中的草图。这样的分析支持非单调变化的概念,包括回溯。这也表明,尽管壁画的最终组成部分与Studio草图完全不同,但它还是利用了壁画最初构想的构成和主题,但是当偶然事件将毕加索的思想推向新的方向时,壁画以一种完全重新想象的形式出现了。 。这则评论还描述了毕加索在整个探索过程中如何利用自己的专业知识,即缺乏对结果的了解并不能削弱专业知识在艺术家工作中的作用。达尔文和盲人这两个术语掩盖了创作过程的这一和其他特征,并建议使用替代词汇。



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