首页> 外文期刊>Contemporary drug problems >Advances in the determination of alcohol and other drug consumption during pregnancy: A study of 900 births in Montevideo, Uruguay

Advances in the determination of alcohol and other drug consumption during pregnancy: A study of 900 births in Montevideo, Uruguay


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A study was performed in Uruguay to estimate the prevalence of drug consumption during pregnancy. The study consisted of a survey and biological samples to validate the responses and investigate information concerning risks involved in drug consumption during pregnancy. The survey consisted of 900 face-to-face interviews performed within 48 hours after birth. Perinatal registries were taken from hospital archives. Nine hundred meconium samples were tested for alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, and tranquilizers. The results of the survey indicated consumption during pregnancy of the following: 41.3% tobacco, 36.8% alcohol, 16.3% tranquilizers, 68% caffeine (more than 400 ing/day), and 1.4% illegal drugs. In addition, 8.9% of the pregnancies were
机译:在乌拉圭进行了一项研究,以估计怀孕期间吸毒的患病率。该研究由一项调查和一些生物样本组成,以验证这些反应并调查有关怀孕期间吸毒的风险信息。这项调查由出生后48小时内进行的900次面对面访问组成。围产期注册表取自医院档案。对900个胎粪样品进行了酒精,烟草,非法药物和镇定剂测试。调查结果表明,孕妇在怀孕期间食用以下物质:41.3%的烟草,36.8%的酒精,16.3%的镇静剂,68%的咖啡因(每天摄入量超过400 ing)和1.4%的非法药物。此外,有8.9%的怀孕是



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