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The effect of copper pre-cleaning on graphene synthesis


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Copper foil is the most common substrate to synthesize monolayer graphene by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The surface morphology and conditions of the copper foil can be very different depending on the various suppliers or different batches. These surface properties of copper strongly affect the growth behavior of graphene, thus rendering the growth conditions irreproducible when different batches of Cu foil are used. Furthermore, the quality of the graphene is severely affected as well. In this work, we report a facile method of copper pre-cleaning to improve the graphene quality and the reproducibility of the growth process. We found that the commercial Ni etchant (based on nitric acid) or nitric acid is the most effective cleaning agent among various acidic or basic solutions. The graphene grown on thus-treated copper surfaces is very clean and mostly monolayer when observed under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical imaging, as compared to the graphene grown on untreated copper foil. Different batches (but with the same catalog number) of copper foil from Alfa Aesar Company were examined to explore the effect of copper pre-cleaning; consistent growth results were obtained when pre-cleaning was used. This method overcomes a commonly encountered problem in graphene growth and could become one of the standard protocols for preparing the copper foil substrate for growing graphene or other 2D materials.
机译:铜箔是通过化学气相沉积(CVD)合成单层石墨烯的最常见基材。铜箔的表面形态和条件可以根据不同的供应商或不同的批次而有很大的不同。铜的这些表面性质强烈影响石墨烯的生长行为,因此当使用不同批次的铜箔时,使生长条件不可再现。此外,石墨烯的质量也受到严重影响。在这项工作中,我们报告了一种简便的铜预清洗方法,以改善石墨烯质量和生长过程的可再现性。我们发现,在各种酸性或碱性溶液中,商用镍蚀刻剂(基于硝酸)或硝酸是最有效的清洁剂。与在未处理的铜箔上生长的石墨烯相比,在扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和光学成像下观察时,在经过如此处理的铜表面上生长的石墨烯非常干净,并且大部分为单层。研究了Alfa Aesar公司生产的不同批次(但目录号相同)的铜箔,以探讨铜预清洗的效果。使用预清洗时,可获得一致的生长结果。该方法克服了石墨烯生长中经常遇到的问题,并且可以成为制备用于生长石墨烯或其他2D材料的铜箔基板的标准协议之一。



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