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Poetic and Picturesque Imagination in the Art of the Chinese Classical Garden


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The formation and development of any form of art do not occur in isolation and are certain to connect with similar things in its surroundings. Uncovering the hidden universality of different arts is a critical approach to recognizing and understandingthe essence of arts which certainly include the art of gardening. The high artistic level Chinese classical gardens achieved are mainly accredited to the nurture of traditional Chinese culture. Poetry, prose and drawings in particular have provided inspirations for landscape gardeners. Through applying the connections among different arts and integrating poetic and pictorial arts in its creation, the romance of ancient poetry and drawings can be felt not only from the garden as a whole but also its parts.Different arts can be traced back to the same origin. Creating a garden is similar to drawing a painting or writing a poem in the sense that drawing arts can provide direct reference in techniques for landscape gardeners while poetic arts may help improve the layout and design of gardens and supply the inspiration for the conception of the garden. Therefore, the Chinese classical garden is said to be a painting with three dimensions and a poem without words, which suggest that without certain understandings in paintings, poetry and prose, a landscape gardener would not be able to create a garden with poetic and picturesque imagination. Studies on gardening from the perspective of the universality of poetic and drawing art as well as the perspective ofthe integrity of Chinese arts and culture will bring us new thinking and enlightenments, which is of practical significance in studying many issues such as modern environmental art, tradition and innovation, development and inheritance.
机译:任何形式的艺术的形成和发展都不是孤立发生的,而是必然与周围的类似事物联系在一起。揭示不同艺术隐藏的普遍性是一种认识和理解艺术本质(包括园艺艺术)的关键方法。中国古典园林的高艺术水平主要归功于中国传统文化的培育。诗歌,散文和绘画尤其为园林园丁提供了灵感。通过将不同艺术之间的联系运用在一起,并在其创作中融合诗意和绘画艺术,不仅可以从整个花园中而且从其整个部分中感受到古代诗歌和绘画的浪漫色彩。不同的艺术可以追溯到同一个起源。创建花园类似于绘画或写诗,从某种意义上说,绘画艺术可以为景观园丁提供直接的技术参考,而诗歌艺术可以帮助改善花园的布局和设计,并为花园概念提供灵感。因此,中国古典园林被认为是一幅三度幅画,是一首无言的诗,这表明如果没有对绘画,诗歌和散文的一定了解,园丁就无法创造出诗意画意的花园。 。从诗歌和绘画艺术的普遍性以及中国艺术和文化的完整性的角度进行园艺研究将为我们带来新的思想和启示,这对研究现代环境艺术,传统等诸多问题具有现实意义。创新,发展与传承。



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