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The Effects of Practice on Children's Ability to Apply Ground Rules in a Narrative Interview


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Despite the widespread use of ground rules in forensic interview guidelines, it is unknown whether children retain and apply these rules throughout narrative interviews. We evaluated the capacity of 260 five- to nine-year-olds to utilize three ground rules. At the beginning of the interview all children heard the rules; half also practiced them. Children then responded to open-ended prompts about a repeated laboratory event and were assessed for their application of the rules. Logistic regressions revealed that practice only benefitted the use of the don't know rule. Although the children accurately answered don't understand and correct me practice questions, practice appeared to give no greater benefit than just hearing the rules. Results suggest that the current format of ground rule practice in interview guidelines is appropriate for the don't know rule, but the other rules may require more extensive practice with this age group. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:尽管在法医访谈指南中广泛使用基本规则,但尚不清楚儿童是否在叙述性访谈中保留并应用这些规则。我们评估了260名五岁至九岁儿童使用三个基本规则的能力。面试开始时,所有孩子都听了这些规则。一半人也练习过。然后,孩子们对有关重复实验室事件的不限成员名额的提示做出回应,并评估了他们对规则的适用性。 Logistic回归表明,实践仅使“不知道”规则的使用受益。尽管正确回答的孩子不能理解和纠正我的练习问题,但是练习似乎没有比听规则多的好处。结果表明,面试指南中的基本规则练习的当前格式适用于未知规则,但其他规则可能需要针对该年龄组进行更广泛的练习。版权所有(c)2015 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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