首页> 外文期刊>Conservation genetics >Population structure and conservation genetic assessment of the endangered Pugnose Shiner, Notropis anogenus

Population structure and conservation genetic assessment of the endangered Pugnose Shiner, Notropis anogenus


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The Pugnose Shiner is a small minnow with a fragmented distribution across the Great Lakes and Upper Mississippi River in North America. The species is listed federally as endangered in Canada, and in the United States its status varies by state, from Special Concern to Endangered (as well as Extirpated). We conducted a thorough genetic assessment of the Pugnose Shiner using both microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA collected for samples across the species range. Our results indicate high levels of population differentiation suggesting restricted dispersal, in some cases at very small geographical scales. We also found strong evidence of small effective population sizes and one case of a genetic bottleneck. Although significant range-wide genetic variation was observed in both microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA, the species is best characterized as a single evolutionarily significant unit for conservation purposes.
机译:Pugnose Shiner是一个小min鱼,分布在北美的大湖区和密西西比河上游。该物种在加拿大被联邦列为濒危物种,在美国,其状态因州而异,从“特别关注”到“濒危”(以及“灭绝”)。我们使用微卫星基因座和线粒体DNA收集了整个物种范围内的样本,对Pugnose Shiner进行了彻底的遗传评估。我们的结果表明,较高的人口分化水平表明了有限的分散,在某些情况下是很小的地理规模。我们还发现有力的证据表明有效种群规模较小,并且有一个基因瓶颈案例。尽管在微卫星基因座和线粒体DNA中均观察到了广泛的遗传变异,但出于保护目的,该物种最能被描述为单个具有进化意义的单位。



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