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How I treat refractory immune thrombocytopenia


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This article summarizes our approach to the management of children and adults with primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) who do not respond to, cannot tolerate, or are unwilling to undergo splenectomy. We begin with a critical reassessment of the diagnosis and a deliberate attempt to exclude nonautoimmune causes of thrombocytopenia and secondary ITP. For patients in whom the diagnosis is affirmed, we consider observation without treatment. Observation is appropriate for most asymptomatic patients with a platelet count of 20 to 30 x 10(9)/L or higher. We use a tiered approach to treat patients who require therapy to increase the platelet count. Tier 1 options(rituximab, thrombopoietin receptor agonists, low-dose corticosteroids) have a relatively favorable therapeutic index. We exhaust all Tier 1 options before proceeding to Tier 2, which comprises a host of immunosuppressive agents with relatively lower response rates and/or greater toxicity. We often prescribe Tier 2 drugs not alone but in combination with a Tier 1 or a second Tier 2 drug with a different mechanism of action. We reserve Tier 3 strategies, which are of uncertain benefit and/or high toxicity with little supporting evidence, for the rare patient with serious bleeding who does not respond to Tier 1 and Tier 2 therapies.
机译:本文总结了我们对无反应,不能耐受或不愿接受脾切除的原发性免疫性血小板减少症(ITP)儿童和成人的治疗方法。我们从对诊断的重要重新评估开始,并有意尝试排除血小板减少症和继发性ITP的非自身免疫性原因。对于确诊的患者,我们认为无需治疗即可观察。观察适用于大多数血小板计数为20至30 x 10(9)/ L或更高的无症状患者。我们使用分层方法来治疗需要治疗以增加血小板计数的患者。方法1(利妥昔单抗,血小板生成素受体激动剂,低剂量皮质类固醇)的治疗指数相对较高。在继续进行方法2之前,我们将用尽所有方法1的所有方法,方法2包括许多具有相对较低的响应速度和/或较高的毒性的免疫抑制剂。我们经常开出的方法不是仅使用第2层药物,而是要与具有不同作用机理的第1层或第2层第二种药物合用。对于罕见的严重出血且对方法1和方法2无效的患者,我们保留方法3的策略,即疗效不确定和/或毒性较高,支持证据很少。



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