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Factors associated with self-assessed masticatory ability among community-dwelling elderly Japanese.


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Self-assessed masticatory ability has been shown to be significantly related to general health among elderly persons.To identify oral factors associated with the self-assessed masticatory ability.Cross-sectional study.A total of 736 community-dwelling elderly persons.Data on background factors and the self-assessed masticatory ability were collected by questionnaire. An intraoral examination examined the pattern of posterior occluding pairs of natural teeth (POPs), the WHO Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPI) and denture-related factors such as use of dentures, pain when using dentures and stability and retention of dentures. Chi-squared tests examined the relationships between the self-assessed masticatory ability and the background factors and oral conditions. Ordinal regression models were constructed with the self-assessed masticatory ability as the dependent variable and oral conditions as the principal independent variables, to adjust for the potential confounding variables.Self-assessed impairment of masticatory ability was associated with lost POPs (p < 0.001) and CPI (p = 0.012). In the participants with lost POPs, self-assessed impairment of masticatory ability was associated with not using dentures and pain when using dentures (p < 0.001). In the totally edentulous subjects, impairment of masticatory ability was not associated with stability and retention of dentures (p = 0.070).Factors affecting self-assessed masticatory ability include the pattern of POPs, periodontal status, denture use and pain when using dentures.
机译:研究表明,自我评估的咀嚼能力与老年人的总体健康状况密切相关。确定与自我评估的咀嚼能力有关的口腔因素。横断面研究。共有736名社区居​​民老年人。背景数据通过问卷收集因素和自我评估的咀嚼能力。口腔内检查检查了后对自然牙咬合(POPs)的模式,WHO社区牙周治疗需求指数(CPI)和与义齿有关的因素,例如义齿的使用,义齿使用时的疼痛以及义齿的稳定性和固位性。卡方检验检查了自我评估的咀嚼能力与背景因素和口腔状况之间的关系。以自我评估的咀嚼能力为因变量,以口腔状况为主要自变量构建序数回归模型,以调整潜在的混杂变量。咀嚼能力的自我评估障碍与POP丢失有关(p <0.001)和CPI(p = 0.012)。在失去持久性有机污染物的参与者中,自我评估的咀嚼能力受损与不使用假牙和使用假牙时的疼痛有关(p <0.001)。在完全无牙的受试者中,咀嚼能力的降低与义齿的稳定性和固位无关(p = 0.070)。影响自我评估咀嚼能力的因素包括POP的类型,牙周状态,义齿的使用以及义齿使用时的疼痛。



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