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Recent trends in incidence and mortality of oral and pharyngeal cancer in Schleswig-Holstein in Northern Germany


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Objective: Oral and pharyngeal cancer is still a serious public health problem with more than 10,000 new cases every year in Germany, more than 4,000 patients die of this tumour each year. Aim of the project was a detailed analysis on incidence and mortality rates by age, gender and tumour sites in Northern Germany. Methods: The data on incidence and mortality rates from the population-based Cancer Registry of Schleswig-Holstein in Northern Germany were evaluated by age, gender and tumour sites from 2000 to 2006. Results: Some 3,127 new cases of oral and pharyngeal cancer (72% men, 28% women) were registered. About half of all cases were aged 60-79 years. The incidence trends for 40-59 years described a slight decrease. Trends for pharyngeal cancer showed the highest incidence rates for both genders in those aged 60-79. This detailed analysis with subgroups showed interesting differences and revealed considerable variations, especially compared to the increasing trends in several European countries. Conclusions: These population-based data of Schleswig-Holstein showed interesting differences in the trends for incidence and mortality rates for age groups and tumour sites within the state and compared to the national German data and revealed noticeable different trends compared to several European countries. This population-based information informs effective cancer control.
机译:目的:口腔和咽癌仍然是一个严重的公共卫生问题,德国每年有10,000多例新病例,每年有4,000多例患者死于该肿瘤。该项目的目的是对德国北部按年龄,性别和肿瘤部位划分的发病率和死亡率进行详细分析。方法:从年龄,性别和肿瘤部位对德国北部石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州癌症登记处的发病率和死亡率数据进行了评估,分析了2000年至2006年之间的结果。结果:约有3,127例新的口腔和咽癌病例(72 %的男性,28%的女性)已注册。所有病例中约有一半年龄在60-79岁之间。 40-59年的发病率趋势略有下降。咽癌的趋势显示,在60-79岁年龄段中,男女发病率最高。与亚组进行的详细分析显示出有趣的差异,并显示出很大的差异,尤其是与几个欧洲国家的增长趋势相比。结论:石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州的这些基于人口的数据显示出该州年龄组和肿瘤部位的发病率和死亡率趋势的有趣差异,并与德国的国家数据进行了比较,与欧洲几个国家相比,显示出明显的差异。这种基于人群的信息有助于有效控制癌症。



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