首页> 外文期刊>Community dental health >Dietary intake of calcium, vitamins A and E and bleeding on probing in Sri Lankan preschoolers

Dietary intake of calcium, vitamins A and E and bleeding on probing in Sri Lankan preschoolers


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Objective: To determine the prevalence of gingival bleeding on probing and the associations between dietary intake of calcium, vitamins A and E and gingival bleeding on probing in Sri Lankan preschool children. Basic Research Design: A cross-sectional study. Participants: 784 children aged 48-72 months attending preschools in the Kegalle district and their mothers/carers. Results: The prevalence of gingival bleeding on probing was 52.9%. A Poisson logistic regression model revealed that children with a high daily dietary intake of calcium were less likely to have gingival bleeding on probing than those with low intake (PR=0.80; 95%CI 0.64,0.98). Also prevalence of gingival bleeding was higher in children: with plaque on their teeth; whose mothers were not employed; or, were from families with three or more children. Conclusions: The prevalence of gingivitis was high in the children and the findings suggest that high levels of dietary calcium intake are associated with reduced gingival bleeding in preschool children.
机译:目的:确定斯里兰卡学龄前儿童牙龈出血的发生率,以及饮食中钙,维生素A和E的摄入量与牙龈出血的关系。基础研究设计:一项横断面研究。参加人数:784名年龄在48-72个月的儿童在凯格勒地区上学前班及其母亲/护理人员。结果:探查时牙龈出血的发生率为52.9%。 Poisson Logistic回归模型显示,每日饮食中钙摄入量较高的儿童与低摄入量的儿童相比,探查牙龈出血的可能性较小(PR = 0.80; 95%CI 0.64,0.98)。儿童牙龈出血的发生率也更高:牙齿上有牙菌斑;他们的母亲没有被雇用;或者是有三个或三个以上孩子的家庭。结论:儿童牙龈炎的患病率很高,研究结果表明,高钙饮食饮食与学龄前儿童牙龈出血减少有关。



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