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Novel approaches to the inhibition of mast cells in allergic disease


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IgE-mediated allergic disease is a global health burden and major drain on healthcare resources [1, 2]. Allergic-disease can present in many ways depending on the tissues affected, from acute life-threatening episodes of anaphylaxis due to food allergy, the strictly seasonal symptoms due to grass pollen-induced summer rhinocon-junctivitis (hayfever), or the chronic on-going inflammation evident in bronchial asthma. Current treatment approaches for these common diseases are often of poor efficacy or have unacceptable side-effects, and there is therefore an unmet need for novel inhibitors of allergic disease. Mast cells play a central role in the pathophysiol-ogy of allergy through their ability to release a plethora of pro-inflammatory autacoid mediators, proteases and cy-tokines in response to both high-affinity IgE receptor (FceRI)-dependent and -independent activation [3]. Within diseased tissues, mast cells relocate to key tissue structures such as the airway smooth muscle [4] and mucous glands [5] in asthma, facilitating the specific targeting of their mediators and adhesive cell-cell signals to these dysfunctional airway elements. Targeting mast cell activation therefore has the potential to attenuate allergic disease.
机译:IgE介导的过敏性疾病是全球性健康负担,是医疗资源的主要消耗[1、2]。过敏性疾病可能会以多种方式出现,具体取决于受影响的组织,包括因食物过敏引起的严重威胁生命的过敏反应,因草花粉引起的夏季鼻结膜炎(枯草热)引起的严格季节性症状,或慢性致敏性疾病。在支气管哮喘中持续发炎。这些常见疾病的当前治疗方法通常疗效差或具有不可接受的副作用,因此,对新型过敏性疾病抑制剂的需求尚未得到满足。肥大细胞通过对高亲和力IgE受体(FceRI)依赖性和非依赖性活化的反应释放大量促炎性自噬共生体,蛋白酶和cy因子,在变态反应的病理生理中发挥重要作用。 [3]。在患病组织中,肥大细胞重定位到关键组织结构,例如哮喘中的气道平滑肌[4]和粘液腺[5],从而有助于将其介质和粘附的细胞信号特异性靶向这些功能障碍的气道元件。因此,靶向肥大细胞活化具有减轻变态反应性疾病的潜力。



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