首页> 外文期刊>Clinical anatomy: official journal of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists & the British Association of Clinical Anatomists >More than a neuroanatomical representation in The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarroti, a representation of the Golden Ratio

More than a neuroanatomical representation in The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarroti, a representation of the Golden Ratio

机译:不仅仅是米开朗基罗·布奥纳罗蒂(Michelangelo Buonarroti)在《亚当的创造》中的神经解剖学表现,还是黄金比例的表现

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Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was a master anatomist as well as an artistic genius. He dissected numerous cadavers and developed a profound understanding of human anatomy. Among his best-known artworks are the frescoes painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (1508-1512), in Rome. Currently, there is some debate over whether the frescoes merely represent the teachings of the Catholic Church at the time or if there are other meanings hidden in the images. In addition, there is speculation regarding the image of the brain embedded in the fresco known as The Creation of Adam, which contains anatomic features of the midsagittal and lateral surfaces of the brain. Within this context, we report our use of Image Pro Plus Software 6.0 to demonstrate mathematical evidence that Michelangelo painted The Creation of Adam using the Divine Proportion/Golden Ratio (GR) (1.6). The GR is classically associated with greater structural efficiency and is found in biological structures and works of art by renowned artists. Thus, according to the evidence shown in this article, we can suppose that the beauty and harmony recognized in all Michelangelo's works may not be based solely on his knowledge of human anatomical proportions, but that the artist also probably knew anatomical structures that conform to the GR display greater structural efficiency. It is hoped that this report will at least stimulate further scientific and scholarly contributions to this fascinating topic, as the study of these works of art is essential for the knowledge of the history of Anatomy. Clin. Anat. 28:702-705, 2015. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:米开朗基罗·布奥纳罗蒂(Michelangelo Buonarroti,1475-1564年)是一位高级解剖学家,也是一位艺术天才。他解剖了许多尸体,并对人体解剖学有了深刻的了解。他最著名的艺术品中有壁画在罗马西斯廷教堂(1508-1512)天花板上的壁画。当前,关于壁画是否仅代表当时天主教的教义,或者图像中是否还隐藏着其他含义,存在一些争议。此外,人们猜测壁画中的大脑图像被称为“亚当的创造”,其中包含大脑中矢状和侧面的解剖特征。在此背景下,我们报告了我们使用Image Pro Plus软件6.0的情况,以证明米开朗基罗用神圣比例/黄金比例(GR)(1.6)绘制了《亚当的创造》的数学证据。 GR通常与更高的结构效率相关联,并且在生物学结构和艺术品中被著名艺术家发现。因此,根据本文显示的证据,我们可以假设,米开朗基罗所有作品中公认的美丽与和谐可能并非仅基于他对人体解剖学比例的了解,而是艺术家也可能知道符合人体解剖学特征的解剖学结构。 GR显示出更高的结构效率。希望这份报告至少能激发对这个引人入胜的话题的进一步科学和学术贡献,因为对这些艺术作品的研究对于了解解剖学历史至关重要。临床阿纳特28:702-705,2015.(c)2015威利期刊公司



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