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Visibility queries in a polygonal region


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In this paper, we consider the problem of computing the region visible to a query pointlocated in a given polygonal domain. The polygonal domain is specified by a simple polygonwith m holes and a total of n vertices. We provide two bounds on the complexity of thisproblem. One approach constructs a data structure with space complexity 0(n2) in time0(0~2lgn) and yields a query time of 0((1 + min(m, |V (q)|))lg~2n + m IV q)|).Here,q)represents the set of vertices of the visibility polygon of a query point q, and 1E1 denotesthe number of edges in the visibility graph. The other approach provides a data structurewith space complexity 0(min(|E|, mn) + n) in time 0(T +1E1+ nlgn) with the query timeof 0(|V(q)|Ign + m). Here, T is the time to triangulate the given polygonal region (whichis 0 (n + m1g1+∈ m) for a small positive constant ∈ > 0).In both of these approaches, 0(m)additive factor in the query time is eliminated with an additional 0((min(IEI,mn))2) spaceand an additional 0(m(min(|E|, mn))~2) preprocessing time.
机译:在本文中,我们考虑了计算位于给定多边形域中的查询点可见区域的问题。多边形域由具有m个孔和总共n个顶点的简单多边形指定。对于这个问题的复杂性,我们提供了两个界限。一种方法是在time0(0〜2lgn)中构造空间复杂度为0(n2)的数据结构,并产生查询时间0((1 + min(m,| V(q)|))lg〜2n + m IV q )|)。这里,q)表示查询点q的可见性多边形的顶点集,而1E1表示可见性图中的边数。另一种方法是在查询时间为0(| V(q)| Ign + m)的时间0(T + 1E1 + nlgn)中提供空间复杂度为0(min(| E |,mn)+ n)的数据结构。在此,T是对给定的多边形区域进行三角剖分的时间(对于小的正常数ε> 0,它是0(n + m1g1 +∈m))。在这两种方法中,都消除了查询时间中的0(m)可加因数具有额外的0((min(IEI,mn))2)空间和额外的0(m(min(| E |,mn))〜2)预处理时间。



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