首页> 外文期刊>Computational geometry: Theory and applications >Computing minimum-area rectilinear convex hull and L-shape

Computing minimum-area rectilinear convex hull and L-shape


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We study the problems of computing two non-convex enclosing shapes with the minimumarea; the L-shape and the rectilinear convex hull. Given a set of n points in the plane, wefind an L-shape enclosing the points or a rectilinear convex hull of the point set withminimum area over all orientations. We show that the minimum enclosing shapes forfixed orientations change combinatorially at most 0(n) times while rotating the coordinatesystem. Based on this, we propose efficient algorithms that compute both shapes with theminimum area over all orientations. The algorithms provide an efficient way of maintainingthe set of extremal points, or the staircase, while rotating the coordinate system, andcompute both minimum enclosing shapes in 0(n~2) time and 0(n) space. We also showthat the time complexity of maintaining the staircase can be improved if we use morespace.
机译:我们研究了计算两个具有最小面积的非凸包络形状的问题。 L形和直线凸包。给定平面中的n个点,我们定义了一个L形,将这些点或该点集的直线形凸包包围起来,并且在所有方向上的面积都最小。我们显示,旋转坐标系时,固定方向的最小封闭形状最多组合变化0(n)次。基于此,我们提出了高效的算法,可以计算所有方向上面积最小的两种形状。该算法提供了一种在旋转坐标系的同时保持极值点集或阶梯集的有效方法,并且可以计算0(n〜2)时间和0(n)空间中的最小封闭形状。我们还表明,如果我们使用更多空间,则可以改善维持楼梯的时间复杂性。



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