
A cross-platform solution for light field based 3D telemedicine


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Current telehealth services are dominated by conventional 2D video conferencing systems, which are limited in their capabilities in providing a satisfactory communication experience due to the lack of realism. The "immersiveness" provided by 3D technologies has the potential to promote telehealth services to a wider range of applications. However, conventional stereoscopic 3D technologies are deficient in many aspects, including low resolution and the requirement for complicated multi-camera setup and calibration, and special glasses. The advent of light field (LF) photography enables us to record light rays in a single shot and provide glasses-free 3D display with continuous motion parallax in a wide viewing zone, which is ideally suited for 3D telehealth applications. As far as our literature review suggests, there have been no reports of 3D telemedicine systems using LF technology. In this paper, we propose a cross-platform solution for a LF-based 3D telemedicine system. Firstly, a novel system architecture based on LF technology is established, which is able to capture the LF of a patient, and provide an immersive 3D display at the doctor site. For 3D modeling, we further propose an algorithm which is able to convert the captured LF to a 3D model with a high level of detail. For the software implementation on different platforms (i.e., desktop, web-based and mobile phone platforms), a cross-platform solution is proposed. Demo applications have been developed for 2D/3D video conferencing, 3D model display and edit, blood pressure and heart rate monitoring, and patient data viewing functions. The demo software can be extended to multi-discipline telehealth applications, such as teledentistry, tele-wound and tele-psychiatry. The proposed 3D telemedicine solution has the potential to revolutionize next-generation telemedicine technologies by providing a high quality immersive tele-consultation experience. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:当前的远程医疗服务被传统的2D视频会议系统所主导,由于缺乏现实性,其在提供令人满意的通信体验方面的能力受到限制。 3D技术提供的“沉浸性”具有将远程医疗服务推广到更广泛应用的潜力。但是,传统的立体3D技术在很多方面都存在缺陷,包括分辨率低,需要复杂的多摄像机设置和校准以及特殊眼镜。光场(LF)摄影技术的出现使我们能够单次记录光线,并在宽视区提供无眼镜的3D显示器并具有连续的运动视差,非常适合3D远程医疗应用。据我们的文献综述所提示,还没有关于使用LF技术的3D远程医疗系统的报道。在本文中,我们提出了基于LF的3D远程医疗系统的跨平台解决方案。首先,建立了一种基于低频技术的新型系统架构,该架构能够捕获患者的低频,并在医生现场提供沉浸式3D显示。对于3D建模,我们进一步提出了一种算法,该算法能够将捕获的LF转换为具有高细节水平的3D模型。对于在不同平台(即,桌面,基于Web和移动电话平台)上的软件实现,提出了跨平台解决方案。已为2D / 3D视频会议,3D模型显示和编辑,血压和心率监视以及患者数据查看功能开发了演示应用程序。该演示软件可以扩展到多学科远程医疗应用,例如远程牙科,远程伤口和远程精神病学。拟议的3D远程医疗解决方案通过提供高质量的沉浸式远程咨询经验,有可能彻底改变下一代远程医疗技术。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.保留所有权利。


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