首页> 外文期刊>Computers in Biology and Medicine >A new method using coherence to obtain the model order in the evaluation of partial directed coherence.

A new method using coherence to obtain the model order in the evaluation of partial directed coherence.


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Recently partial directed coherence has been introduced to study interrelations in multivariate time series, using the vector autoregressive model. In this procedure the choice of the model order is not clear. The use of spectral density has been suggested [B. Schelter, M. Winterhalder, B. Hellwig, B. Guschlbauer, C.H. Lucking, J. Timmer, Direct or indirect? Graphical models for neural oscillators, J. Physiol. (Paris) 99 (2006) 37-46]. This was examined along with a new method which employs coherence. The studies indicate that coherence provides an accurate estimate of the order unlike the spectral density, which underestimated the value of the order leading to inaccurate values for the partial directed coherence. On the other hand the use of coherence gave the correct value for the order, leading to accurate values for the partial directed coherence.
机译:最近,使用向量自回归模型,引入了部分有向相干来研究多元时间序列中的相互关系。在此过程中,模型顺序的选择不清楚。有人建议使用光谱密度[B。 Schelter,M.Winterhalder,B.Hellwig,B.Guschlbauer,C.H.幸运,J。Timmer,直接还是间接?神经振荡器的图形模型,生理学杂志。 (巴黎)99(2006)37-46]。这与采用相干性的新方法一起进行了检验。研究表明,相干提供了阶数的准确估计,这与频谱密度不同,谱密度低估了阶次的值,导致部分定向相干的值不准确。另一方面,相干性的使用为订单提供了正确的值,从而导致了部分定向相干性的准确值。



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