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On the dilation spectrum of paths, cycles, and trees


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Let G be a graph with n vertices which is embedded in Euclidean space Rd. For any twovertices of G, their dilation is defined to be the ratio of the length of a shortest connectingpath in G to the Euclidean distance between them. In this paper, we study the spectrumof the dilation, over all pairs of vertices of G. For paths, cycles, and trees in R2, we present0(n~(3/2+6))-time randomized algorithms that compute, for a given valueK >1, the exactnumber of vertex pairs of dilation at most K. Then we present deterministic algorithmsthat approximate the number of vertex pairs of dilation at most K to within a factor of1 +6. They run in 0(n log~2n)time for paths and cycles, in 0(n log3n)trees,in any constant dimension d.
机译:令G为具有n个顶点的图,该图嵌入欧氏空间Rd中。对于G的任意两个顶点,它们的膨胀定义为G中最短连接路径的长度与它们之间的欧几里得距离之比。在本文中,我们研究了G的所有顶点对的扩张谱。对于R2中的路径,循环和树,我们提出了0(n〜(3/2 + 6))次随机算法,用于计算在给定值K> 1的情况下,最多扩张K的顶点对的确切数目。然后,我们提出确定性算法,将最多扩张K的顶点对的数目近似为1 +6。它们以0(n log〜2n)的时间运行在0(n log3n)树中的路径和周期,且尺寸为d。



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