首页> 外文期刊>水産工学. >State-space Model for Estimating Three-Dimensional Fish Trajectories Based on Acoustic Telemetry in a Large Tank

State-space Model for Estimating Three-Dimensional Fish Trajectories Based on Acoustic Telemetry in a Large Tank


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Three-dimensional fish trajectories were analysed based on acoustic telemetry collected using alarge experimental tank (600 m3) and refined with a state-space model to which the Kalman filter was applied. The movements of three red sea bream fitted withacoustic transmitters (at 63, 75, and 84 kHz) were monitored simultaneously using four hydrophones. On the basis of the differences in the times at which the transmitted sound signals arrived at each hydrophone, the positions of the fish were determinedas the intersections of hyperboloid functions. A performance test of this system showed that it can be used to detect transmitter positions in a three-dimensional coordinate system with mean accuracy and precision of 0.69 m and 0.02-0.04 m, respectively,with the 63 kHz transmitter, which generated the best results. The accuracy and precision were better for horizontal measurements than for vertical measurements, and the precision degraded with increasing transmitter frequency. These results indicate that it is possible to improve the precision of the system by employing a sampling rate that is sufficient in relation to the transmitter frequency. Because of the significant error in the measurements, the swimming trajectories were refined using estimates obtained from a state-space model and the Kalman filter. For three of the fish, the estimated horizontal trajectories remained within the boundaries representing the walls of the tank. This study demonstrates that applying a state-space model to acoustic telemetry with large error can produce results that closely approximate the actual swimming trajectories of fish.
机译:基于使用大型实验水箱(600立方米)收集的声学遥测,分析了三维鱼的轨迹,并使用应用了卡尔曼滤波器的状态空间模型对其进行了细化。使用四个水听器同时监视三个装有声发射器的红鲷鱼的运动(分别在63、75和84 kHz)。根据传输的声音信号到达每个水听器的时间差异,将鱼的位置确定为双曲面功能的交点。该系统的性能测试表明,使用63 kHz发射机,该系统可用于检测三维坐标系中的发射机位置,平均精度和精度分别为0.69 m和0.02-0.04 m。 。水平测量的精度和精确度要好于垂直测量,并且精度随着发射器频率的增加而降低。这些结果表明,可以通过采用相对于发射机频率足够的采样率来提高系统的精度。由于测量中的重大误差,因此使用从状态空间模型和卡尔曼滤波器获得的估计值来精炼游泳轨迹。对于其中的三种鱼,估计的水平轨迹保持在代表水箱壁的边界内。这项研究表明,将状态空间模型应用于具有较大误差的声遥测可以产生接近于鱼类实际游泳轨迹的结果。



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